- so a few weeks ago, we had funsurprising one of my viewers. take a look. - here's the master bedroom...- oh, my gosh! [laughs] - and you're gonna do laundryany minute there, so the laundry--[audience laughter] [audience laughter] so first of all--[laughs] no, that's the reasonyou're here, is because we sawthose pictures, so you should--
our friends at houzz saw thephotos of your master bedroom, and they're going to completelymake over your room. - oh, my gosh.- completely, so, you're gonna have--- oh, my gosh! - a brand new master bedroom,thanks to houzz. all right, so since then, tawne has gottenthe royal treatment from a designerwe found on houzz, who helped her pick outthe furniture for her bedroom--
just really, furnitureof your dreams, really. tawne and her husband johnare here, and so-- you're--you haven't seenanything, right? - nothing, no clue!- nothing, we're so excited to see it. - all right, so, we sawthe bedroom before. you were going to do somelaundry at some point, and-- let's take a look now.let's see what they did. - look at that!- oh, my god!
- beautiful, right?- look at the wall! - look atthe reclaimed wood wall. that's amazing.- oh, my god, did you see the wall--- that wall is amazing. - oh, thank you so much.- beautiful! - wow.- yeah, that wall's amazing. - unbelievable.- they did a great job. okay, so here's--[cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]- thank you so much.
[cheers and applause]- thank you. - so--- oh, my gosh. - when you were here--yeah, that's beautiful, and the wall that's paintedthe deep gray. so, we gave you a 55" tv,because we saw the television set that i think was from 1970?- 13 inches. - yeah, it was--[audience laughter] 13 inches, but you don't needan armoire that size
for a tv like that.[audience laughter] you could sit that, like, on a--- [both laugh] - on anything.all right-- (both) oh, my gosh.- look at that. (audience) oh!- oh, that is so beautiful! - that is the bonus room.- look at that! [cheers and applause]- oh, my god. that is amazing.- beautiful! - it's a different room.[applause]
- that's a room you're gonnawant to hang out in. okay, and then we hadanother bedroom that you were usingfor laundry, mainly, right? okay, this is the bonus area. [both laugh]and... let's see what it lookslike now. - oh, my gosh, that's amazing. - wow.[applause] they did a great job.- wow, so beautiful!
[applause] - oh, my gosh.- great job. - that's just gorgeous.- amazing. - oh, look at the chairs. look at the chairsand the carpeting. - beautiful, right?- wow. - well, we couldn't do thiswithout houzz. they're amazing.the houzz app has everything you need torenovate or design your home.
they want all of youto use houzz for your next design projects,so everyone in the audience is going home witha $150 gift card for houzz. [cheers and applause]