hi, i'm sarah with the hobby lobby creativestudio! welcome to our sew this bedroom series! today i'm going to show you how to make asuper cute, simple rug, that will tie your decor together all the way down to the floor! check out our printable for alist of everything you'll need to make a rug, like this one! so let's get started! for a more durable rug, try to choose a fabricthat is a little bit thicker and stiffer than most basic fabrics. i'm using this nice heavier-weightduck cloth. i used a rotary cutter and mat to cut outa 30" x 42" piece of fabric. starting with
this size allows for 3" hems on all sides. if you need help using these tools to cutyour fabric, refer to our "rotary cutter & cutting mat" video. now, i've already pressed my fabric so i'mready to go! i want to start by prepping the edges tokeep them from fraying. to do that, i am going to sew a tight zig-zag stitch around all fourraw edges. if you have a serger, you could also sergearound the edges instead. once you've got all four edges zig-zagged,just trim off any loose threads, and we'll start prepping for the hems!
begin by laying your fabric face down onyour ironing board. start with one of the long sides and fold it up 3".check the measurement on a seam gauge, then press and pin along that 3" fold as you go. repeat this on the other long edge. fold up3", press, and pin into place; then you're ready for the other two shorter sides and the corners! now with one of the short edges facing you,fold the right corner up like this so you have a 45 degree angle. give it a good press with the iron to makesure you have a neat, crisp fold. repeat this step for the left corner, turningthe corner up the same way and pressing it
in place. now that you have both corners angled in,fold the entire edge up to 3", checking with the seam gauge as you did before, then pressingand pinning as you go along the edge. this should give you nice, 45 degree miteredcorners. repeat this for the other short end and you'reready to finish out your rug! before you sew, make sure you setyour machine back to the straight stitch setting. now let's sew! with our rug still face down and startingat the upper right corner, begin sewing just to the right of the zig-zag stitches.
don't forget to backstitch at the beginningto secure those first few stitches. continue sewing along the entire edge, keepingyour needle just to the right of the zig-zag stitches.make sure and remove the pins as you go along. you don't want to break your needle from runningover a pin! when you get to a corner, leave your needledown in the fabric, raise your presser foot, pivot your fabric, lower the foot and keepgoing. when you get all the way back around, endwith a backstitch, and that's it for the sewing! now that you're done sewing, re-press allof your hems and corners down nice and flat. add a little bit of fabric adhesive to theunderside of each of the mitered corners then
press them flat together. here's a quick tip: if you will be using this rug on wood, tile or other slick surfaces, it's a good idea to add a nonslip backer, which will help give your rug some stability. i just trimmed mine a little smaller than the rug, then hand tacked it at the corners so the layers stay together. hand tacking also makes it easy to remove the nonslip backer so i can toss my rug in the wash! then, i can tack my backer back on once it's clean! now you have a one-of-a-kind, totally customizedrug! use this same rug-making method to change up the personality of any room in your house! be sure to check out our other videos in our sew this bedroom series
for more project ideas and inspiration. well that's all for today guys. i'll seeyou next time here at the hobby lobby creative studio!