living room zebra design

living room zebra design

hello, my name is denise robinson and on behalfof i'm here to talk about how to decorate your living room with a themein mind. we started off with a african theme and we are going to continue on from the tableall the way back to the window treatment. this segment we are going to add are always a good way to decorate your home. this particular picture frame isstraw bamboo type and somewhat of a african theme. i'm going to place this on the coffeetable. this one is smaller. you want to always have different sizes just to give a littlevariation in your decorations. i'm going to put this on this side. i also have anotherpicture frame that could be put on the wall that is african influenced with some etchinghere as black and you could possibly put it

on a wall that is adjacent to your livingroom.

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