gray living room benjamin moore

gray living room benjamin moore

we are in downtown minneapolis overlookingthe mississippi river and this is a kitchen remodel project. my name is tiffany hanken, my design practiceis tiffany hanken design. i like working with blue because i considerit almost a neutral color. i feel like it’s really regal, classic andcan fit in almost any space. for this project, we used sherwin-williamsemerald trim enamel for the island and the cabinets in a two-tone kitchen, we try to have whatwe call a hero color or an anchor color on the base cabinets or the island. we combined the origami white and the colonnadegray, which both have warm undertones that

really complement each other. and then we brought in the loyal blue to bemore of the hero color and really tie everything together when you put these three colors together,it gives a really warm and friendly feel. durability in a kitchen is a must. for the island, it was really important thatwe used durable paint, especially with how often that the clients entertain. for the tile, we wanted to choose something that was different, but still had a little bit of warmth with just splashes of blue. so we chose glass with some warm tones thatbrought out the cherry in the floors and then

the blue that brought in the loyal blue ofthe island. we wanted to do something a little bit eclecticand bring in all the colors from the backsplash. we brought in vases to add color to the uppercabinets to tie in the backsplash and the island. we are really happy with this project. i think it’s really fun and friendly, andit gives a really big wow factor and mirrors what’s going on outside. the view is amazing and it totally reflectsin the kitchen. we would absolutely use this paint again.

the color saturation was amazing and the durabilityis fantastic.

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