living room furniture designs photos

living room furniture designs photos

hello beautiful people so today we're doing a dining table decoupage this is my dining table and i'm really excited for it you're going to need some supplies you need a sander sand everything down that is going to get any paint or any decoupage we want that you know raw serface after you're done with your standing your going to want to wipe everything down you can use vinegar or just water. i used 409.

then i sprayed with this metallic can here turns out really great you dont want to over coat it one to two coats at max is perfect just a side note do not paint the areas that your going to be decoupaging the decoupage will not stick as well to the paint as it will to the raw surface american decor cream wax. this ended up being an unnecessary step i ended up painting over it with the clear gloss

it leaves this mat finish witch is real pretty it just wasnt what i was looking for in this project you are going to need ploycrylic or any type of glue adhesive this is the one i most prefer. a brush and you're also going to needphotographs i decided a bunch of painted artworks for my favorite artists your going to want to place them

what i sugest and forgot to do was marking where all the photos go. so taking a pencil and literally just drawing on table. like okay so this white picture here it goes between this picture and this picture , you know put a line on top of that picture showing where the other photos are going to go laying on top of it by the time this was done my table looks completely different it is just as great it just didn't look the way i laid it out

here i messed up if you can see okay watch i dont push from the middle i push from the very bottom with my cardyou dont need a brayer i don't think brayer is necessary. i thinkthat if you just do the process of squeezing out all the glue from under neath it you will be fine so that picture right there is the most bumpy picture i have on my table um and it was just because i did it wrong. you're also going to want to pay attention to your edges

so making sure they line up and that the edges of the picture dosent overlap the edge of the table so i recommend doing it a little bit inward or just like perfectly on the edge i recommend having some scissors with you it took me a little while to get used to the process you want to glue the table and the picture you can see that i laid the picture side of it on the glue and there'snothing wrong with that

i mean you just gonna squeegee it off in you know two seconds anyway so it doesn't make that big of a difference here i had already done about quarter ofthe table and i really started to get the hang of it you want to make a star-shap with your card going from the middle outwards in everydirection so i start off making an x and then a plus sign and then i go in the in between areas and i just make sure its completely flat

you're going to want to look at it from an angle and just make sure that its completely against the table because anything you need behind will stay any bumps any wrinkles so you don't really necessarily have to work extremely quickly but you want to work at a you know at a at a decent pace here you can see thewrinkles that are in the page and how they just kinda disappear after you're done squeegee

out all of the glue from under the image your going to be left with little pools of glue kinda around the image on the other pictures you're going to want to makesure you get all that up. so look at it from an angle and make sure you got all of it up otherwise you going to be left with dried clumps of glue all over your table and then you're gonna have to likesand them off uness you looking for like anantiqued look work which i mean could be cool on butthat's not what it's like

here at this point i already done two layers of gloss on this table the first layer i put a very vary light coat a gloss just because i didnt want oversaturate the images that were on the table before there was any kinda protective service over them onece that layer dried i did one more layer kinda poured that out realized i should have don eit more toward the edges is my third layer gloss it's gonna be myfinal layer i'm just pouring out all overthe edges

and smearing it out all overeverywhere and i really should've put a tarp down it dripped down below you know its fine it is what it is what i do next is i take a step back and i look at the table and i try to look at the areas where i missed and here you can actualy see it i missed that area with glue once ive done that i kinda go back and fourth with my brush really lightly with my brush to kinda remove any bubbles

hello beautiful people so i hope you guys enjoyed watching thisvideo as much as i enjoyed making it. there is going to be another video of the chairs so if you were curious as to what i did with the chairs i will be making that video soon. at this point i have not even started making it yet once thats done i will put a link right in here if you would like to see what ive done with the chairs

please like and subscribe you know nothing else leaving commentsyour guys is feedback helps out a lot cuz you know i have no idea what im doing here um yeah i think thats it so after this ill post a picture of what the final product looked like thank you for watching bye

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