hey guys welcome back to my channel andif you're new to my channel go ahead and hit the subscribe button to see morehome holiday event wedding and diy before today i'm gonna show you how tomake a boys baby shower centerpiece and setup here we go today i'm going to be making a littlemister or a little man baby shower centerpiece the one with the cute littlebow ties and mustache which is absolutely adorable i love this themeand i have lots of painting to do so let's get started the first thing i'mgoing to do is paint this piece of wood with metallic silver spray paintoriginal price was $7.99 from hobby
lobby but i used my 40% discount couponand it was about five bucks i'm going to be painting this off-camera i no longerpaint on camera because i think it's unnecessary but if you want me to bringpainting back on camera let me know let me know what you think alright guys i'llbe right back well away from i will plaque to dry i'm moving on to my papermache letters i chose paper mache letters because they are cheaper thanwood letters for this size these were $2.99 each and the wood onesare usually $5.99 per letter and you should actually i encourage you to checkout all the paper mache products at hobby lobby or michaels they areincredibly cheap and so so nice so you
should do that so i'm going to bepainting the letter b in navy blue this is deep blue or deep navy and i'm goingto be painting the letter o half white and half navy and then i'm going to alsobe painting the y with both colors this one is going to have stripes this one isgoing to be 1/2 and 1/2 and this one is going to have polka dotsalright let's do it i'm such a mess for the oh i'm going tomeasure the height of this so i can make sure that i'm going to have you knowproportionate right when i do half in half so right here i almost have 8inches so i'm gonna do it at 4 so right here is the middle okay so this half isgoing to be navy and this half is going
to be white ok so i don't trust myselfso i'm going to use some painters tape to cover some of that i should have donethis first but you know i like to wing it but now i'm scared to wing it so i'mgoing to place some painters tape right here i'm going to let this half dry and theni'm going to move on to my white for the y i'm going to paint the entire letterwhite and then i'm going to make the stripes in blue now i'm going to use a round foam brushto make the polka dots on my letter b now i'm going to let the polka dots dryand then i'm going to add some silver
glitter to some of them now i'm going toadd painters tape to this area right here where the blue is so i can easilyand without any worries paint aside white okay so now we're just gonna let it drymoving on to my y and i'm going to be using my painters tape to make mystripes i'm actually going to use the tape to measure my stripes because iwant them the same width of the painters tape which is a little bit under oneinch this is going to be blue or spoke to here so i'm going to mark that so i want the top to be blue and i'mgoing to cover the bottom of that which
is going to stay white and then this isgoing to be blue then i'm going to cover this part right here for my white and you kind of have to like vent alittle in order to get this straight because if you just go as he wants to gooriginally or as he wants to go naturally he's going to go up so youkind of have to bend it so he can give you a straight line and here are my letters aren't they'renice they're so so cute loving them now i'm going to add a little glitter tomake them pop a bit i'm going to add some to some of the white polka dots i'malso going to add some to this middle
part right here and to the why i'm notsure yet but i'm definitely going to add it because everything has to flow nicelyi'm going to use tacky glue to bond my glitter there's no particular reason i'musing this particular glue you can use whatever you have at home i'm gonna let it sit for a bit and i'mgoing to move on to my letter o for the oh i'm going to use painters tape tomake sure that the line that i'm going to make with the glitter is going to besmooth so i'm just going to place a little bit right here living a littlebit of the blue ex-post and then i'm going to do the same with the white i'mgonna leave a little bit of the white
exposed i'm also gonna let this sit fora bit and i'm gonna move on to my wife i think i'm going to go with little whiteglitter and then white and then glitter so every other white is going to beglitter which means only two so that's not badalright so i'm going to use my painters tape to make sure that it's nice andneat alright i'm gonna let this sit and i'mgonna go back to my letter b i'm going to use this little piece of foam that igot from a foam brush and i'm going to use it to dust off some of the glitterthat you see on the letter and here's my letter b there's some stubborn glitterlingering around but that's alright
love the way it turned out now i'm goingto dust off d oh and the y and then i'm going to show you how it looks andhere's my plaque or ready to go i painted it metallic silver i was tornbetween gold and silver but i've been using a lot of gold so i decided to gowith silver and i like it a lot now i'm going to go ahead and center the letterson the plaque make sure that when you center your letters you're not onlycentering from the front you also need to center it from these sides so whenyou have a side view or someone is sitting on this side it's in the middleas well now i'm going to secure the letters with hot glue
i'm going to add this bow to the lettero but i'm going to also add a little bit of this ribbon right here in the middlebecause he has talked about and it totally goes with it and then i'm goingto place it right here okay guys so i couldn't find any mustaches mustachesmust how do you say baby mustache mustaches geez mustard i can saymustaches mustache i can say mustache but i cannot say mustaches mustachesyeah that's what i said i think no okay guys so i couldn't find any mustachesthank you i couldn't find any mustaches i likedbut i did find this cake toppers and i'm just going to cut this dick off and alsoone thing i did not like them on the
letters i didn't i don't know if youguys to but i don't i kind of like them past table scatters so i'm just going toplace them around the table and see how it goes for now i'm just gonna playsomeone here i'm not gonna glue them down and this presumes our project okayguys this is it this is my little man or little mr. baby shower centerpiece and iabsolutely you guys know it love it it is adorable and at the same time guysthis is so so elegant this is definitely a go-to centerpiece for my sophisticatedmomma to be you can definitely use this at your reception for your baby showerbut make sure that you also paint the backside of the letters and can youbelieve i
only spent $20.00 in supplies i alreadyhad the acrylic paint and that only cost about $1.99 each so you only want to bespending between 20 to 25 dollars for this beautiful centerpiece i hope youguys enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure that your thumbs up andif you haven't subscribe to my channel yet make sure to subscribe right nowalso leave me a comment let me know what you thought of my centerpiece and justleave your comment because i just love reading them all the time and if youhave any video requests go ahead and leave that in the comments below as wellalright guys until next time bye