bedroom decorating ideas pinterest

bedroom decorating ideas pinterest

hey guys it's adrienne welcome back tomy channel and welcome to officially finally after months and months ofliving here i am giving you my official 2018 room tour i can't even believe it'shappening it's one of those things where my room will never be like exactly how iwant it like perfect but it is pretty much there now so i figured i would justgo ahead and show you the anticipation can be over now i don't even know whatto say i'm just so excited i have never had a room that i liked so much i amobsessed with this one i have so many things to show you guys that i got andwhile i was decorating my room i really tried to like be a bargain hunter andbuy really inexpensive things so i'm

gonna share with you guys some of thoselittle tricks and i will do my absolute best to link every product that i candown below if i can't find something or it's not for sale anymore sorry but i'lllet you know where everything's from at least so you guys can go search ityourself i want to thank doh shopping because they sent our house a lot of thestuff that is in my room and in the rest of the house which all eventually do ahouse to work so to find a lot of the stuff that i did get you can go to thedoh tap follow me and i have a house and room favorites list where a lot of thoseitems are listed and you can actually order them from that app if you want iwill also just try to link everything

separately but i did want to thank themfor sending a lot of this stuff i also want to thank ksenia which i will tellyou guys about in a second when i show you they send us a lot of those artprints that you see on our walls in our bedrooms and in our house and i actuallyhave a coupon for 25% off that is only valid until the 14th so if you guys areinterested in purchasing any wall or it's very inexpensive it is so so socute you just can't get frames unfortunately because they don't ship tothe us quite yet but that code is valid for any prints not the hand-picked onesbut anything else they are so cute i highly recommend so i will also linkthat down below and if you're curious

about the process of how i put my roomtogether and how i built things and made things go over to my blog channel whichi will also link down below because i have a lot a lot of moving blogs theresince the very start up until now and i'm still doing them everyday because ialways have stuff to clean and move so if you guys want to check those out i'lllink the playlist down below but without further ado you guys i really havenothing more to say i am going to show you guys my god room i'm so excited icannot wait so when you first walk in my room here is like an overall view ithink it's so cute it's very bright the colors are kind of white and blackminimal and with a couple pops of pink

and pops of wooden as well as like greenfor some plants so that was kind of the color scheme i went for so if you take alook at wall one this is one of my favorite walls you'll probably recognizeit as the backdrop of a lot of my videos so over in the corner i have my whiteboard on my door and then i have these little hooks that i just recently hungup to kind of just hold my purse my keys anything that i need then i have my deski love this area it makes working so much fun i had just installed that shelfrecently and over on the right i have this paper holder from ikea i love thisbecause it's very heavy-duty i can stick really heavy things in it and i alsojust think it looks really cute and my

desk lamp is also from ikea i reallylike how it looks i added a little bit of fake plants just around there to makeit look super cute and these coasters i've had forever they're fromanthropologie next to these wall grids i will say i got this on amazon for wayway way cheaper than a lot of other stores that have them the gold clips arealso from amazon and this little desk organizer thing is from targeti just wanted to stick with the white someone there i keep my hard drives andsome office supplies this pen holder is from cotton on an idea wide the otherone then i have this nice little fur rug that i throw on my chair apparently it'sthe trendy thing to do and just added

some cute decor to my shelf the shelf isfrom ikea you guys it's so cheap those brackets are 50 cent's and that shelfitself is like ten dollars so that's kind of what that looks like next wehave my bookcase and this bookcase was 30 bucks from target oh my god such agood deal so i just keep some books on top as well as a bowl from my dad'swedding that they had blown and then i got my work like a boss light-up box ithink these are so cute i got mine at target and these pink crystals fromurban outfitters again i just added a cute little plant and the positive vibesonly which is from i think a store called on kit and then this gold papertray from target and of course i had to

stick in a cute little plant that isfrom ikea fake of course this a i also got from ann kit and this little wirebasket thing from a target on the bottom shelf kind of boring i got my printerand i have some file folders for where i keep my medical taxes all that kind ofcrap so here in the corner i have these hanging plants the fake plants are fromikea they were super cheap these crochet kind of hanging down things and thehooks i use are from amazon and then i this sometimes it's okay if the onlything you did today was pre-post her from dicenio-- and i put my laundrybasket over there which is kind of random but it's very very cute so hereis an overview of wall number two which

is my bedroom wall i have twonightstands with these lamps on them from this clock i got along time ago in high school and these nightstands are from west elm i justlike to keep some books some journals right on the nightstand and i like tokeep this cute little eye mask even though i don't really use them but ijust think it's cute slippers are a must because whenever i get out of bed ireally want to have my feet feel all comfy and i just recently added allthese pillows i'm so so so happy with how they look and i got my blue littlethrow blanket so first these euro size pink pillowcases are from amazon theywere very inexpensive they are so comfy

and cute i actually di wide thesechequered pillow cases they were so much cheaper than the ones sold at stores soi will link the vlog down below where i show how i made this diy this chequeredpillow case is from ikea i just stuck it around a pillow insert i don't rememberwhere the throw blanket was from but my favorite part of the whole room thisgallery wall so all of these prints are from dicenio like i mentioned and iactually like threw this out on photoshop to see what it would look likefirst and i just love the way this looks i got my namaste in bed it's stickingwith that whole pink and green kind of theme i really really love how my bedlooks and of course my favorite part of

this wall is this hello sign from urbanoutfitters it is so cute i get so many comments about it every dayi will link it obviously it is so cute then i just have my other nightstandsame marble lamp got a little cute little trinkets candle is from targetthe same notepad from cotton on that i have on my desk and i just keep kind ofsome junk underneath i still need to figure out what to do with that stuffwhile number three is mostly my closet wall but i have this cute crochetdecoration from amazon and then i just have this basket from target with thispillow from i think urban outfitters and this little + sign which i don'tremember where i got that but i kind of

just keep some extra blankets andpillows in there and i think that it kind of adds a little cute touch to thecorner this is my giant closet and if you guys didn't see my closet tour yet iwill link it down below and another cute print from dicenio--think it looks so cute even in the mirror moving on to wall number 4 i haveanother closet and i keep this stool with these little succulents just kindof bare i don't know this cool peace sign hook is from urban i think i couldbe wrong i'll link it down below i need to put some pictures in these littleframes haven't done that yet and then i got my tv i got this lamp from targetthe shake your booty thing a brand gave

that to mecandle from anthropologie and this little rose gold basket things fromtarget my favorite part of this ball you guys is this led light i got this littleled light strip from amazon super super cheap it comes with a remote and i canliterally have it be a new color i want just adds a really cute inviting lightinto the room then i got my classic mom dresser from ikea love it got my work itgirl light up box mini version which i am also obsessed with and then we havemy bathroom there's not a whole lot to see in here besides another print fromdicenio-- i got my towels and you know just kind of all my stuff check out myblogs if you want to see more about like

this stuff just got some more prints andthen yeah that's what it looks like coming out of my bathroom into my roomi'm so happy with how it looks oh my gosh i love it i hope you guys loved ittoo i'm so happy with it i've never been so happy with a bedroom everything isjust so cute and how i like it perfectly my aesthetic so i really hope you guysliked it remember to check out any of the links i also have a majority of thestuff that i said i got on amazon will be in my amazon store but i'll try tolink stuff individually to just make it easy for you guys but check out thedescription box because i put a ton of stuff in there and as i said also i dida closet tour already so if you guys are

interested in how i organize my closetand what kind of clothes i have things like that go check out my closet touri'll link that as well subscribe to my channel if you're new click thatnotification little bell so that you guys can know when i upload because iknow youtube is weird and sometimes like doesn't tell people and it's reallyannoying so be sure to click that bell and i can't wait to see you guys in mynext video i love you so so much i have a ton of really exciting fun thingsplanned for this summer in terms of video contentso cannot wait i'll see you guys next time

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