this is the cabin tour of "the captain's suite":cabin 9115 we're here at the very front of the ship,right above the bridge. you are going to love this suite! and here's the big entrance into the living room. the main thing about this suite is youhave a fantastic view. not only just out thesegigantic picture windows in the front... but also, out on the balcony. out to the side, and to the back of the ship. here's the balcony.
you have a fantastic view all the way tothe back of the ship... and all the way around to the front of the ship. and there's lots of room on the balcony... with some really comfortable chairs,just like up on the serenity deck. and also a table. and of course,you are free to configure this any way you want... move things around to make it work for you. it is really nice out here because it's wind protected... because it's all glassed in on the front.
so, you tend to have some very nice days out here. in the living room you've got this big couch. so, it's a great spot for entertaining. if you're here on the ship with other people... invite 'em over.this is party central. i think this is probably a sleeper sofa i don't know, there's just my wife and ihere this week, but... my guess is that that's a sleeper sofa so you can have your kids here. and there is also a pullout bunk there in the wall.
but let me show youthe coolest thing in this whole room! see these buttons over here? watch what happens when you push these buttons! (a faint sound of motors lowering the shades) is that cool, or what?!?! another great feature of this cabinis the fact that it actually has two bathrooms. so, you can have a his or her bathroomor you can have a guest bathroom or whatever youhowever you want to do it. this bathroom is the one by the front door
and it's just got a shower in it. and a little clothes line thereso you can hang your wet swimsuitsand things like that. and then there is another bathroomthat's larger and has a jacuzzi tub. off of the living room is the second bathroom. and this is the one with the big jacuzzi tub. so, you have a jacuzzi bathtubas well as a shower head. and also one thing to point out about the bathrooms... is that there is an electric power plug in there for... electric toothbrush or electric razoror whatever you might have.
and there's lots of little places to store things. also, off of the living room... here is a wardrobe area with his and her closets. and inside one of those closets is also a safe. the main reason to get this cabin isto just have a lot of space... to have his-and-her bathrooms... and also that fantastic view out the picture windows... and having your own private serenity areaout on the deck. and finally, let's take a look in the bedroom.
there's actually two separate entrancesto the bedroom. you can enter from that door over thereby the main cabin door... or the other door that leads from the living room. there's lots of storage up herewhere you can stash all your junk... and there's a desk... although it's not really a good place for a computerbecause the wi-fi signal is extremely weak right there. so it's actually better if you're goingto use your computer hooked to the internetto bring it out here. for some reason there's a much stronger signalout here for the wi-fi in the living room. anyway, that's the cabin tour of 9115... one of the two "captains suites"on the carnival sunshine.