black bedroom furniture decorating ideas

black bedroom furniture decorating ideas

this is my old room and stop just waitthere a minute long time no see yeah i'm sorry but i'm pretty sure the excuse isgood enough so just just keep watching we've lived in this house solidlyfor about five years and me my brother have never had our bedrooms decorated soin december i nagged my parents said that they'd get it done by christmaswhich is the 25th for people who don't know which i don't know anyone whodoesn't know when christmas is okay get back on track now oh but that never cameround so by christmas i was still in the exact same room oh yeah and this waswhat does that say christmas 2016 yes 2016 my mission for 2017 was to decorateand move into the front bedroom a new

room essentially i consistently naggedall the way through the year daddy i want my bedroom decorating it wasplanned but it just never really happened i was getting a tiny bit tetchyokay very tetchy sorry mum and dad whati've realized after 17 years is that you want something doing do-it-yourself butstruggle doing it and then people feel obliged to help that's how things getdone so ladies and gents boys and girls here it is on january the 2nd 2018 thedecorating wagon started rolling after painting my room two colours that myparents didn't exactly agree with me on we headed shopping list armed and readyto the swedish embassy located in

manchesteraka ikea what you thought i was going to actually pay for it although it was nowtime to unleash the flat-pack devil in both me and my dadokay well it's finished now but i guess you want to see it right well here it isi don't know what music to use her yeah you can see nothey have been