boy toddler bedroom ideas

boy toddler bedroom ideas

hey everybody i'm rymingtahn this is baby zari today we are in zari room and i'm going to share some dollar tree organization ideas with you guys this is muffin - you guys seem to enjoy my muffin muffin say hi you have fans muffin say hi to your fans you guys want to see what her room look like when she was a newborn i have a video before

she was born i also did a nursery organization video so i will be sure to link all of that in the description box for you guys start off with this thing in a corner right there this is a hanging toy storage unit or whatever you want to call it i use the colorful a laundry basket from dollar tree so i started by cinching in one side and

then i placed it in the corner you can use screws or whatever that's going to be nice and secure to hold up whatever you're holding in here we just have some plastic balls so it's really light so i started in the corner like i'm showing you here and then i just pulled it out to each side i tried to make it as level as possible and a bam you can also

secure the side with a pin with additional screws and pins or whatever you're using to give it some extra support but this is the perfect place to store all of her little balls they're lightweight but they take up a lot of space though let's move on to the next thing in here i am in love with this pyramid toy organization storage unit i did not

create this but the way i put it together i did on my own and it was my idea so i decided to use a total of six of these trash can style bins from dollar tree in different colors and we're going to hold them together using zip ties which you can also find at dollar tree so as you can see i'm using this pick tool here be very

be very careful when you are attempting to do this i punch a hole at the top but not too close and then another hole at the bottom i would say like a half an inch apart you don't want it too close once you have two holes want to pull it through both bends in one hole and then pull it through the next hole making sure you go through both bins slide the

zip tie through and you make sure to pull it nice and tight and lock it in place so once you finish the first three now it's time to move to the next section do the exact same thing this time your time the second section and the first section together i'm just going to fast-forward through here because it's pretty simple and you can

flip this from side to side and change up the look every once in a while or you know everyday whatever you want to do over here in the corner i have this organizer a little green one i picked this up and a long time ago but i just put her smaller books in here to the left of that i have this big cubical organizer this pink organizer unit that's behind me

and inside i have my favorite baskets you guys know i love these if you are familiar with my channel i prefer this look right here but if you put a pillow case on the inside maybe you don't like the mesh look and you don't want to see what's on the inside the pillowcase and fold it over and bam you have something that looks completely

different or maybe you really don't like the way this looks i don't really care for this you can cut off the handles to make the edges more level but i mean i just figured i'd throw it out there because if the idea popped up in my head and i was like man maybe somebody can take this and run with it inside these organization bins i have so many different things

mainly stuff that's just kind of hanging around i decided to put them by category or by type in these bins and i tried to pick different colors i just think it looks so bright and colorful in here and i think she relates also the ones that she can reach down at the bottom i made sure to put lighter things like anything

that's really like just in case she pulls it down and it falls on her so on top of this cubicle i don't have anything right now but i'm looking and i'm probably going to go to hobby lobby and look for an organizer because i want to put small little toys stuff like this that i find for her i want to put small little things up there that she'll be

able to play with when she gets older so next to that this is not from dollar tree but i didn't want to leave it out just in case you didn't check out the nursery video this is just a like over the door wall organizer and it wasn't expensive at all i'll have the deets in the nursery video but i just put her big shoes over here she has really small

feet a lot of people love to gift her shoes and she can't wear most of them actually all of them every yeah all of them she can't wear any of those so i just had to put them over there along with her sunglasses which she loves and some hats down at the bottom moving to her closet which is a storage unit in here i don't go in there i literally use

that for storage but at the top i decided to put these colorful collapsible bins from dollar tree because i like them and they're perfect if you want to keep them in one spot and not move them around because they they're kind of flimsy but they do the job of organizing and keeping things in one place so right next to the closet i

have her changing table and dresser beside the dresser i have these two ikea storage units also from her nursery organization video the only thing different i changed out the labels i added different names for the sections because they're different now and i decided to use some colorful labels and use these laminating these self no

machine and laminating sheets from dollar tree so i just put some double side tape on there and for some reason she loves to try to peel them off on top of one of these ikea organization i have these cubicles from dollar tree and i wanted i thought about mounting them on the wall but i decided to leave them like

they are right now let's go back to the drawers inside i have these dollar tree soda can bins and i think they look pretty nice in here along with these other colorful plastic bins and you can keep everything nice and organized you love seeing yourself don't you this is optional everything is optional but i just find that organizing smaller

things inside the drawers make getting her ready faster and it allows me to get in here like in the middle of the night i know where everything is and i mean i think we talked about everything in her room from dollar tree and otherwise i hope you guys found this video helpful i hope it inspired you a lot of use i'll share that you are expecting or you have

little ones around zari's age so i think it's really cool that you guys share how we inspire you so if we did thumbs up this video be sure to share with your friends and your family don't forget videos are monday wednesday friday 7 p.m. pacific standard time don't forget to subscribe we will see you all very soon bye guys

bye bye

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