luxury living room set sylvanian families

luxury living room set sylvanian families

hi abrey how are you. i”m doing well and you? i”m well, hi evelyn and baby ethan you areso cute come on in guys. i”m very worried about evelyn. really why? she is really quiet these days and that isnot like her. you know evelyn you should really tell yourmom or dad that those girls at school are bullying you but i am scared. why?because they said they will hurt me if i ever

tell. bullies only have power if you give it tothem. what do you meanthey lose the power if you speak up and stand up for yourself by telling a grown up. ok i will tell my mom. that is good and don’t be scared it willwork out in the end. i once had to tell my mom about girls thatwere bullying me and it worked out for me. if you are bullying someone you should stop. everyone is important no matter if you thinkthey are different from you.

if you are being bullied you are notalone and you have a voice, someone will listen to you, tell a grown up. bullying is hurting someone on purpose throughour words like teasing and name calling or by hitting, kicking or biting someone, orby willingly stopping someone from playing with you. none of these things are loving so let usdo better. thank you for watching if you enjoy this video please gave it a thumb up please leave us a comment below and for more videos like these

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