luxury living room window treatments

luxury living room window treatments

window treatment ideas - luxury interior designconsultation in long beach, ca {mallie} hi, my name is mallie messri andi’m a realtor and interior design consultant. i work as a consultant to the galaxy-designteam and today steve has asked me to join him.{steve} yes. thanks mallie. we are here at mrs. alloua’s home in long beach and weare committed to make a huge contribution to her home by creating some exquisite windowtreatments. {mallie} so why don’t we go inside and meetour client? {steve} sounds like a plan, let’s do it.{steve} thanks again for having us at your place. i certainly appreciate it. your houseis very beautiful and i see that you are in

the process of remodeling it.{mrs. alloua} yes. {steve} and from what i understand you areplanning on redoing the floors and you just painted the walls but you would possibly considerrepainting the walls is this correct? {mrs. alloua } yes because i’m not too sureabout the white. {steve} wonderful. so why don’t you tellus about what you would like to see. what would you like to do with the house?{mrs. alloua } i just want to be able to see that whatever i put in here can stand out.i can show you the furniture i have in here now but i’m lost, i don’t know what ican put in here now to make it look nice. and you are the expert, i’m pretty sureyou can help me.

{steve} ok, wonderful. my commitment to youis to create truly exquisite window treatments and take your house up to a whole new levelof luxury and interior design. {mrs. alloua } thank you.{steve} this is a good choice and we are also going to look at some drapery fabrics andsee what feeling we want to create. we don’t want it to be too flashy, we want it to bemore calm. that looks nice, that looks very, very for the top window treatment we can come in and introduce a little more gold or wemay want to stay in the whites. that’s probably where i would consider bringing the whitedrapery fabrics in. {mrs. alloua } that’s the color of my furnitureright?

{steve} right. you’re not going to be puttingmuch furniture in there right? other than the rug and the couches.{mrs. alloua } yes the couches will go in there.{steve} beautiful, that’s perfect. i think this one really would be quite beautifulwith that. {mrs. xxxx} oh my gosh that’s beautiful.i love it! {steve} sounds like a plan. it looks likewe’ve got something here. -crystal drapery scrolls-swarovski crystal elements -custom drapery hardware-luxury window coverings -window scarves-drapery fabric

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