luxury outdoor living room

luxury outdoor living room

[music] want an amazing outdoor living space? we'll show you some of the key elementsthat make up a great outdoor space. i'm david gordon with whitestone builders,stay tuned. some of the key elements that make upa good outdoor space would be, number one, high ceilings. so if you've got an outdoor space witha very high ceiling, it's very open, it's spacious andmakes everybody feel very comfortable. and that could be seating arrangements,so there's gonna be multiple way to put

seating arrangements,one of them would be for dining. where i'm sitting right now, here at thistable, this is a great place to hang out, bring out food, eat outside. another seating arrangementwould be someplace you can sit down that has a couch, andsome chairs, and tables. maybe you're gonna sit around a tv set,watch tv and the game outside. another element of thisspace would be the flooring. so in this particular house, we've gotbrick flooring, which is fantastic. it's great to havea natural flooring down,

either tile, marble, brick,it kind of warms up the area. and it's great to throw an area rug downon top of the flooring to go underneath the dining set or living area,that's pretty nice as well. and over here we've gotkind of a living area. so this is where you can behanging out with your friends and can be watching the tv. we've got a tv up here,which is another good addition, and you can just be hangingout with your friends. so a couple other items that aren't inthis particular space that i'd like to

talk about,the first would be a summer kitchen. some type of a grill, some type of a placeto cook so when you're out with your friends, you're grilling,you're barbecuing, you're hanging out. and another would be privacy drapes. so in this particular neighborhoodthe houses are really close together, so it'd be nice on the left hand side or the right hand side of the porcharea to have some kind of a drapes. the drapes where we could pull closedto get a little additional privacy in this area.

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