hello my friends okay so i'm going togive you a tour of a owen's room i was telling you guys last week on instastories by the way if you're not following me on instagram go find me atwanna be balanced because i post daily pictures of my family and because ofdifferent pictures at my house and all the things that were up to on a dailybasis plus insta stories laughs we got insta stories i was talking about my newgoal to choose one room in the house each week or each month to really revampmeaning i gotta get this place in order there's is we just got a lot of stuff soi need to go through each room get rid of some stuff spend some time organizingand just a little bit of redecorating i
kind of just want to switch some thingsout spruce it up just a little bit so this week i'm going to give you a tourof owns room and we got rid of the crib okay so this is owens room to get thisthing like organized remember clinton and we got to put the crib away it'sfunny because last time we were here owen was sleeping in the crib but nowhe's not so we got to put the crib away even though maybe we might have anotherbaby but for now we'll put the crib away okay that was a sad thingyou all know i'm trying to conceive and he was my last baby i got my tubes tiedand then reversed yeah i changed my mind
so i got the reversal surgery but when igot my tubes tied i got rid of all of our baby stuff the only thing that i hadleft was its credit and it was just kind of sad to come back to this house or st.george house they haven't been in this house for seven months so when we gotback and i saw the crib up i was like oh because when we left this house he wasstill sleeping in the crib and now he doesn't sleep in a crib so we took thecrib down and i'm actually gonna just get rid of it donate it sell it if i dohave another baby i think i just want another crib altogether because why nothere is all of the stuff and i gathered out of owens room to get rid of i didn'treally there was not much dust in there
so i'm happy and feeling relieved to begetting rid of so much stuff i don't know what it is but it feels good to getrid of stuff don't you think yeah there's nothing in this closet andi feel really good about it i just got rid of so much stuff and i justi like empty shelves it just makes me feel good all of his clothes are in thedrawers no not all over the floor and in random places and then i've got a littlestash of just random things that i kind of just tried to put all in the cornerso i didn't have to look at it when i initially walk in because look at thisah i feel so good makes me happy same with his bookshelves i just likethe more minimalist type decor i've
decided so i'm okay with the fact thatit looks very bare to me it looks really pretty i like it makes me feel good so ireally love this bed i got this from down east and i just love the detail gotthis from tj maxx home goods and i just like that it's a really pretty piece ifound those pillows on amazon then i had those drapes custom-made because ineeded to get blackout drapes you know so that it would be completely dark inhere for when he was taking naps during the day so this was custom made and i actually want to get rid of thischair we don't really use it and i would just prefer there'd be nothing there andmaybe just get a little chair for this
little desk right here yeah can you showme all your toys how you set up in your room whoa you've got so many toys oh and doyou love your room what's your favorite part about the room yup you like hopethat's your favorite part of the room i don't know oh she doesn't know that onewhat song do you want her to play how about rolly rolly don's my play yeah nowwe got a dance to it