boys bedrooms ideas

boys bedrooms ideas

- hi guys. today i wanted to give you a tour of our eldest boy's room, fraser. he's five years old and we've actually extended our house to build this room to makeroom for the new baby. i'm actually 39 weeks pregnant now so we have done it allin the nick of time. but yes, this is very much him going

from being a young boy to his big boy room and i'm also going to showyou all the organizational and storage ideas thatwe have done for him. so i really hope you like this video and here is his room. this is the hallway thatleads to fraser's room. this is our bathroom and it used to go all the way across to there. but because we needed to make a hallway,

- this is my room. - [emily] oh hello. do you want to do your room tour? - yeah. - [emily] yeah. (laughs) but yeah, because we needed ahallway to fraser's new room, we had to move over the bathroom and then move it into this room a bit. so that's made that room a bit smaller

but we now have this hallwaythat leads to his room. yeah so in this hallway, my husband decided thatit would be a good idea to put the doorway halfwaythrough the hallway, which i wasn't sure about butactually is such a good idea because it means that whenthe door opens into the room, it doesn't actually takeup any space in the room; it just takes up some of the hallway. so that was really super clever.

we've got these wallprotectors for the door because you know kidsare like slamming doors so that is now protectingthe wall from the handles. that's good. it's very much like agray and white theme. the whole upstairs of thehouse is gray to be honest. this is the carpet which wehave in all the bedrooms. so, so soft. i wish you could feel it.

my favorite part of the roomis how high the ceilings are. we actually looked at whetheror not we would be able to do a loft extension, but because of the heightof our lofts, we wouldn't. so we thought, why don't we just use all of that area for a really really high ceiling in fraser's room. because of the high ceilings we got to get this really lovelyfeature light from ikea.

it's so nice. it's got like rose gold, kindof like copper, inside of it. fraser calls it the star wars light. it opens and closes. and then we've gotthese two lights as well to brighten up his wardrobe area. they're quite warehouse looking. my husband chose them and they look really really funky in his

- but i like how the whole room. - [emily] yeah. and they look so coolin your big boy room. - yay my room. i've got a lolli. (emily laughs) - [emily] do you love your new room? loads of floor space to play, haven't you?

and this whole wall of the room is taken up by these wardrobes. storage is so important in our house 'cause it's not huge. so we had these custom madeso that they would fit. they look like wood butthey are in fact mdf and someone built them for usand then we just painted them. the storage goes rightto the ceiling as well so these ones here theygo with our pitched roof

so we can put like, i've got some duvets and some christmas things all at the top. then we have dedicated oneof the cupboards to toys because fraser has friend around now and you like to play in yourroom cause you're old enough so we've put all these books here and then lots of softtoys and minecraft toys and things like that. so we can just hide it all away.

it's really easy to clean up. and then up above that, causethere's so much storage, we've put some winter coats. so in the middle cupboard, we have some drawers for him. there is another hanging rail there but because there is so much storage we haven't needed to use that yet and i was thinking,

if anyone does come over, like my mom, she could hang her things there because she will probablybe staying in this room. i have a frame of baby fraser pictures i really need to update causelook how small he was there! these drawers are from argos. - look inside. - [emily] you want to look inside?

okay. so we've been very organized, haven't we? done the marie kondovertical way of folding which i'm obsessed with now. and we've labeled, haven't we, shorts, and then we have trousers. yeah, so the next drawer down,we've been very organized. i bought these baskets from powman.

you may have seen them in myother organizational videos. but we have pants, everyday socks, school socks, and accessories. so fraser can now dresshimself, can't you? and you go in and get all ofyour own things now, don't you? we have all of our pajamas lined up. space for shoes at the bottom.

you could probably fitlike eight pairs of shoes if you put them back furtherbut so far we just have - [fraser] ten. - [emily] your football boots. yeah we probably could fit ten. and what's in this cupboard? - all my morning clothes. - [emily] and then this is thebulk of all of your clothes, isn't it?

so we have all of his everyday clothes to the left. to the left we have allof his t-shirts and shirts and i've put them downlow because he likes to choose what he wants to wear. and then to the right we haveall of his school uniform all labeled and ready to gobecause i'm heavily pregnant so i wanted to make surethat was all set to go. up here is mostly

jumpers and fancy dress. so all of your fancy dress and halloween. we have so many costumes, don't we? so they're all up there and then there are twoboxes at the bottom. one for like schoolbag and accessories and one for fancy dress hats and gloves. you know like all theextras that come with

- [fraser] and boots. - [emily] yeah, and boots. and all the extras thatcome with fancy dress. so i got those boxes from ikea and they match the room really well. so to this side of the room, we decided to tile the back wall. a few people on my videos havethought it was a wallpaper but my husband actuallytiled with a wood tile

all of this wall. and it's got really cooleffect 'cause it's got it looks like there's nails on it. so that is completely tiled so really easy to clean ifanything was to get onto it. this is the bedspread that fraser wanted. it is minecraft. apparently it's someone called creeper. and we decided to get it in blue

'cause that's yourfavorite color, isn't it? - [fraser] mmhmm. - [emily] and then - i'm in the blue team in school. - and you're in the blue team at school. the bed is from next. it's faux leather and it's gray. there's also storage underneath it so for more bits, we canput some bits into there.

we decided to get a king sized bed because obviously we'rehaving three children now so we don't have a guest room. and my mom does come over and visit so we thought she could eithersleep in here with fraser or the boys could bunk in together and then she could havecaleb's room, et cetera. this bedside table isour old bedside table. it's an ikea one.

it used to be white andwe just painted it gray. i found these star wars prints on etsy. i will link the shop down below. and then i just put theminto some ikea frames. the paint color on the wallsis laura ashley dove grey but because that paint is quite expensive, my husband actually tooka swatch of that paint to dulux and copied it. yeah so for fraser's room,we got two sets of blinds.

we got these day and nightblinds, which are really cool because they kind of have slats. and then when you pull it down like that they go darker or they go lighter like that. so it's quite private but you can have some light going through. these day and night blinds would not have made the room dark enough completely

so we also got some blackoutblinds that are electric. we got these in all of the rooms 'cause i really didn't want any cords and we just thought,why not be a bit modern, so it comes with this remote and all you have to do is press it and then the blinds come down. for the velux blinds aswell we have a remote so that we can close the blinds on it

and we can also open the windows which makes it really airyin here, which is great. the best thing about the velux windows is if you leave them openand go out for the day and it starts to rain, as soon as rain hits the velux windows, they just close so you don't have to worryabout rain coming into the room. i think that is everything that i wanted

to show you in his room. ask me any questions you have down below and i think we still havesome personalizing to do like maybe add some photos of his friends and some more toys and things like that but we will get there, andyeah, i hope you liked it. and thanks so much forwatching and i'll see you soon. bye.

so today i wanted to show youhow i have cleaned my kitchen

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