luxury vinyl in living room

luxury vinyl in living room

no matter what your budgetmay be, self-stick vinyl is a great flooring option. it's affordable, durable, andcomes in a variety of styles. they're also highly resistantto dents, stains, and scuffs. so today, we're going to go over howyou can install self-stick vinyl tiles. most vinyl tiles sold todayhas a peel-and-stick backing. it's a good product that makes the jobof installation a little easier, which is why homeowners love it. it's important to point outthat vinyl flooring must

be used in atemperature-controlled environment before, during, and after installation. in fact, not acclimating theproducts for 48 to 72 hours in the room of installation mayresult in the failure of the adhesive. installation requires that youfirst properly prepare the subfloors before laying the tiles. the adhesive is alreadyon the back of the tile. all ready to go? let's do this.

all right, the first stepis surface preparation. self-stick vinyl tiles can be installedover a variety of subfloors, including concrete, plywood, or sheet vinyl. no matter what the surface, it mustbe free of old adhesive, moisture, and dust. it must be smooth beforeany tile installation. for porous floors like concrete orwood, you'll need a latex floor primer. the primer must dry completelybefore any installation occurs. step two is where we'llplan out the installation.

with backing still on the tile,begin mapping out your tiles. start by identifyingthe center of the room. measure out the lengthand width of the room and draw guidelines from the centerof each wall using a chalk line. use the intersection of your linesto find the center of the room. this is a crucial stepand will make sure you have enough tiles to finish the room. make sure all tiles arefrom the same lot and batch. mixing tiles and planks cancause visual inconsistencies.

step three, place the tiles. from the center out,start to place your tiles. avoid space at the edges of the room byadjusting the arrangement of the tiles. you don't want less than 6 inches. step four, peel the backingsand apply the tiles. remove the backing from the firstplaced tile in the center of the room. press it down firmly. to keep the work area clean, havea trash bag or small can handy while you work to collect therelease papers as they're removed.

the next tile shouldbe installed tightly against the edge of the initial tile. install the remaining tiles in a steppattern, working one section at a time. step five, fix any end tiles. it's possible that the last tilein a row may need to be cut to fit. trim the tile by placingit over the last full tile. then place another fulltile against the wall. use this method to mark a cuttingline where the tiles overlap. for irregular cuts, make apattern and transfer it to a tile.

score the top of the tile gently. test the template to ensure it fits. then if it's set, you can removethe backing and place the tile. be sure to place thecut against the wall. step six, roll your floor. to assure your tilesare set firmly, it's important to use a rolleron the finished tiles. roll back and forth in both directionsto bond the tiles to the floor. install the wall base andmoldings to complete the project.

once finished, we suggest waitingfive days before washing the floor. self-stick vinyl tiles arenot only easy to install, they're a beautifuladdition to your home. plus, they're extremelydurable and maintenance-free. before you go ahead and getyour floor started, make sure you have all the right resources. tool wise, you'll need a tape measure,a chalk line, a utility knife, a carpenter's square, and a roller. your subfloor will determinewhat you'll need to prepare it.

got any questions? head over to your localhome depot and ask the folks in the flooring department. they've got you covered.

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