hi everyone! welcome to another designlesson video. in each video i'm going to review some key design principles thatyou should keep in mind when you're thinking about renovating or decoratingyour space. so if you have a design dilemma and need some answers feel freeto comment in the section below with your questions or you can tweet me yourquestions on twitter @designchickee. your dilemma could become one of thesedesign lesson videos right here! in the meantime let's get to today's topic. we all know the saying: home is where theheart is. and in my books the heart of any home is the kitchen. so now thatwe're almost two-thirds of the way
through the year i thought i'd show yousome of this year's top five kitchen trends that are still going strong.so let's go. first off, let's look at kitchen range hoods. one of the biggesttrends out there right now is the hidden range hood. this trend is all aboutcamouflage. in this case the hood is the same color as the wall and has zeromoldings or trim. here's another example of a hood that just blends away into thebackground. no brackets. no panel moldings. no decorative plates. by hiding yourkitchen range hood you get a streamlined minimal and modern look for your kitchen.i'm loving this trend. the fourth trend on my list is not new. you've seenstatement floors and bathrooms and
laundry rooms. maybe even in mud roomsand entry ways. but they are a very big trend in kitchens now too. a very bold andgraphic pattern tile floor is a huge commitment. tiled floors and kitchens arenothing new but having an all-over pattern grace your floor injects majorpersonality into your kitchen. from black and white tiles to colorful vintagelooking tiles, pick your personality and lay it on your kitchen floor. tile hasalways played a key role in kitchens and usually it takes the form of a tilebacksplash or a tiled floor but there's a new and old trend rising in thekitchen world. tile on and around kitchen islands!i'm loving this tiled front surface on
this island with traditional blue andwhite tiles neatly tucked away. it's the perfect backdrop to the perfectlittle stool. it's like a hidden gem. and here another way to introduce color andtexture is this bistro-like kitchen setting. it's kind of a perfectshowstopper. using tile to add interest color pattern or all of the above to thekitchen island is a great new trend. in some cases i've even seen tiledcountertops making it come back! thick countertops. kitchen countertopthicknesses have been pretty standard since the beginning of countertopsthemselves and more recently a very thin profile has been a sign of modernminimally designed kitchens. but low and
behold big and bold is now having itsmoment. thicknesses of three and four inch counters are popping up all overand not just for a specific look. whether modern or traditional or even somethingin between this thick slab of marble or quartz is definitely here to make apronounced statement. i love the idea of mixing it up! go standard on theperimeter of your kitchen and chunky for your island. and my number one on my listfor top kitchen trends for 2017 is all about something old. i'm calling itold-world english charm. there's something so warm and inviting about these typesof kitchens! first off modern appliances likemicrowaves our hidden and traditional
cookers are a feature. they tend to bepainted in beautiful colors and they offer up charming little details likepainted knobs, lots of beadboard and even decorative cutouts. i don't know aboutyou but i think this trend will always be trendy mainly because it's so classic.so there you have it, my top five kitchen trends for 2017 that are still goingstrong. don't be too worried about the word "trendy" because i think these ideasare here to stay for a while. thanks for watching my latest design lesson video!if you liked the video please hit the like button, share it with your friendsand don't forget to subscribe! follow me on twitter and if you have any designquestions let me know and it could be
the topic of our next video!plus if you have any other kitchen trends to add to our list let me know inthe comments section below. i'd love to hear all about your kitchenideas. again thanks for watching this video and i'll see you next time!