hey guys what’s up friends? it’s me the interesting and i’m ficus you have asked us to make a house under the ground and today we’ll do it and if you, yes, you haven’t subscribed to our channel yet make sure to do it right now so let’s get started
guys, we need to dig a big pit. you can understand and for this we need a shovel, right? let's take 2 of them now both of us have a separate shovel stop it, people are looking at us so guys, now we are removing the top layer of the soil with grass when our house will be ready, we’ll lay a roof on the top in order to disguise it so that it’ll be not visible snowman for the poor it digs quite well but still it’s difficult. we've already been digging around for 3 hours
guys, we are so tired of digging that we realized that this is really difficult so we decided to call an excavator guys, this is the fastest transport in the world sergey, can you imagine this land is thousand years old really? maybe we'll find some caveman there i need your clothes i’ll be back we thought that we can dig up such a pit by ourselves but we couldn’t
whoa, amazing its cool, isn’t it? guys, really cool guys, today we’ll not have time to do anything, so tomorrow we’ll start constructing our house yes, and it’ll be beautiful it’ll be really awesome, guys look how high it is, exactly an outstretched arm really it seems to me, we overdid it
guys, our venue can’t be changed and we're back in the hardware store in my favorite "leroy merlin" damn! it’s very difficult to choose the boards. all of them are with knots, so they need to be chosen accurately guys, without my help they can’t do anything, really for our house we took a cypress. it smells very cool. but you know it’s a street plant so later we’ll place itoutside guys, we have fully packed up the car with the goods from which we will make our house it’s really full. look at the top these are osb sheets from which we’ll make the framework today really we’ve got a lot of things and above all there are more passengers today
so we don’t have enough space in the car alight, hurry up! let’s move, we need to build the house how should we call our tree? arthur? is it suitable name? we watched a movie about king arthur yes, exactly guys, i think you all know about the movie king arthur, we really enjoyed watching it. alright guys, we have arrived to the pace with all the materials from which we will construct our house
and everything is so calculated, so now we should start the construction and what do you think we should do first? well at first we need to make a ladder then start making it and now i am leveling the walls, so that these boards fit well inside we’ve already done with the floor guys, it’s started raining. we need to do it faster it's already so cozy feeling inside here we go
our box is ready. only thing left is to put the roof and make some decor in the house so that we feel inside cozy and comfortable aren’t you scared? no i can already imagine the picture. here we have the shelves, tables and chairs. it all closes and it has a small hole leading outwards this is for the fresh air to enter inside the house because we’ll close it completely. and in case of rain or something, there will be ventilation we have already begun to paint the walls of our house look, what happened to this! you had such a nice shoes yes, it was nice
well it’s an acrylic paint, everything will be ok aha, need to clean them guys, now it’s time to cover this area with soil so that our house will be unnoticeable for others wow! cool i heard something sputtering. i thought that you are going to cover me inside come and have a look inside, i’ve almost painted it and it looks cool wow, it’s so awesome and cozy inside wow, we got here christmas tree
christmas tree- arthur, guys! woah! superb! but who is it? this is drawn by ira. it’s you and ficus it’s really nice i really like it, guys just the halo from above, it's clearly not about him it’s exactly about me we bought such big solar lighting lamps, which are charged from the sun and lights at night it's just perfect, because here we have got such holders
you take it from the street, put it here and you’ll have a light at home. so now we let it charge to use it later guys, we’ll really have an exhaust fan. we bought such a fan which we’ll fix it over here here it is and now we fix it here. so guys we have such a fan inside. it will be pump in fresh air when the door is closed fresh air from the street this is protection against mad drunkards and drug addicts wow, it worked immediately yes
so bright! don’t even have to close anything just because it’s already dark here i'm terribly tired today but i'm very glad that we made this house. i have incredible emotions. i just can’t show them, because i'm very tired we did everything in this house to make it comfortable for living. you look at this wall. it’s really kick-ass roughly speaking, this is not a wall, it’s like a studio you can bring here people for photography and make some money. it’ll be cool, right? everything is stylish. by the way, it’s dima who was actually designed the interior
so without his help, it wouldn’t have been so attractive inside no, it was actually a good team work ok, we were an excellent team today you need to spend the night here, remember? yes, by tradition did you hear it guys? it’s the exhaust fan working. really it can be felt can you imagine? here you can even walk. in the evening, anybody can pass around it and nothing will fall apart he won’t even notice it. yes, that’s true
well, it’s necessary to moisten a little bit with water so that the grass would be well sprouted. and then it will be completely unnoticeable as everything will grow together with the ground and it’ll be alright guys, agree with us that we got a cool underground house. yeah? i thought that our house would be 3 times smaller we are delighted and hope you are too. so please give it a like yes guys, please support this video and leave your comments down below write us guys, what kind of house should we make next? we really like this category. so subscribe to the channel click on the bell to not miss out the new videos
thanks for watching bye everyone