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rockport gray living room

ask andy about clothes - forum review - whyask andy is the best men's style forum on the internet hi! i'm antonio centeno, the founder of realmen real style. today, i'm going to be talking about ask andy about clothes and why i thinkit's the best forum on the web. if you haven't already, please click up thereand subscribe to my youtube channel; i would appreciate it and these videos will come rightto you. in addition, if you like this, if you find it useful, please click on the "like"button down below. and finally, if you want to grab my free 47-page e-book, it's rightdown there. and i'm also going to link to ask andy about clothes right down there aswell.

okay, ask andy about clothes, i first discoveredthis website probably four years ago, but i know that it's been around for over a was one of the first forums out there and has really, in my mind, built itself as thefinest men's style forum you can see out there on the web. now, i like style forum and ithink that's a great forum as well, but there's something about ask andy. maybe it's thatit's built around a person and that the quality of their answers and their comments, it'sjust top notch, so that's the number one reason why i think it's the best forum. it really comes down to they've got good moderators.their content and the detail that they put in to those answers, it's just top's not as big as style forum. i think they

have about one millions posts. they probablygot, i think the last time i checked, 78,000 threads, so quite a bit, tons of content there,which style forum is even bigger. but when it comes down to it, i just look at the qualityof those answers, the moderators, the people that are coming in there. and the number two thing is you could actuallygo check out what they've got, their tutorials, so i don't think andy really pushes thesetoo hard, and i'm going to link to them down below as well, but these tutorials are awesome.they're written by some of the best people, so you've got kirby over at the hanger project.he wrote a great article on high quality men's hangers. so where else are you going to findthe people that are out there i think selling

and making some of the best men's items outthere coming in to ask andy and actually writing a great article? hendrik pohl wrote a greatarticle on men's ties, amazing article, and you're only going to find this at ask andy. again, the big thing here is going to be thoseforums and where people come in to contribute, so this is probably the number three thing,is that i find the person that comes in and contributes -- the general contributor, thegeneral questions on ask andy are higher quality than what i see usually on other forms. they'rea little bit higher of a level, so you can tell that people spent time lurking around,checking out and reading through everything, and then they come on and they ask reallygood questions, which then tailors and seamstresses

and people that own companies come in andanswer right there. in addition, let me think, tutorials, highquality content, it is a complete focus on men's high-end style, so you're not goingto find them really talking so much about t-shirts except in kind of a negative way,so you can look at that as a good thing or a bad thing. i look at ask andy about clothesas a very focused forum and exactly what i'm looking for. so how could it be improved? what would ilike to see ask andy improve upon and make better? the look of the forum. it's very hardto navigate and to find your way through it. there's a lot of broken links, so things likethat really at times drive you nuts because

you think you're going to be going to a greatarticle. you click on it and the link doesn’t work, and i've tried this multiple's just a huge monster and part of that is probably because of their history thatforums have been around for over 10 years, but it's also just frustrating and i'm hopingthey're going to be able to upgrade it. in addition, i would like for ask andy aboutclothes to be more about directing people down a path. so if i want to make a purchasingdecision, it's really hard because i'll go look at all the merchants that are listedand there's just so many. it's like a big directory, but i just don't feel there's adirect -- and andy, he does a good job of going in sometimes and pointing out that hegives this company his two thumbs up, but

he does this with so many of them, it's kindof lost. it's like, "okay, which one is his favorite?"because he's recommending this tailor over in thailand, but he's also recommending thistailor over in london. obviously, there's a big price difference and which one shouldi go with? in that way, i would like to see -- i don't know if he can be improved. again,it reaches so many people. it's such a big forum. perhaps it's just something that isalways going to be their achilles' heel. okay. this has been antonio centeno with realmen real style. i hope you enjoyed the review. go check out ask andy. you're not going toregret it, but make sure anytime you go to a forum, make sure that you've got a good,strong foundation in men's style. i've got

my men's style guide. i wrote this for partof this. the reason was i wanted people -- if you go over to a tailored suit -- i'll linkyou down below as well. there are going to be a lot of links down there. if you go toa tailored suit, you can read through my men's style guide. it's really solid, objectivecomment that helps you build a foundation. once you have that foundation built, you'regoing to find that it's a lot easier to navigate through the forums because you're going tohave a rock to kind of hold yourself on because there is some bad information. some stuffdoes make it through the filters and some of it is just a bad opinion, and how can youreally argue with that except to argue with it? but if you’ve got your foundation solid,you're going to do well on the forums.

take care. i'll see you in the next video.bye-bye.

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