college bedroom decorating ideas

college bedroom decorating ideas

so i came home from my little trip to see sharrah at school, and i decided. rebecca. your either going to do this or you're not. and if you are, then you need to make a plan, you need to have a purpose and you need to rob a bank. its actually on a budget, believe it or not, i mean we could have shopped at high end furniture stores but we didn't. we shopped at ikea, well i shopped at ikea, homegoods, target. those kinds of places. . wow. that's so cool. dang baby girl. thank you so much. yeah i like it. look it, all that over there is cute. this is so rad. thank you mom so much. it's so nice. i love it. i love the colors, it looks so good. thank you so much.

i love it, it's so much more color, it looks bigger. um. roomier, you actually definitely want to hang out in here. i think it's cool cause we use this space rally well and there's a lot of places to put things and um, we've got a nice mirror and i got my shirts still here, and it's , it's actually hip, and i think it's cool we were able to use the color of the walls and you involved the bed spread i already had, and you were really able to use what we already had and make it a master piece. i mean this room is 100% different, and i think the before and after pictures are going to be.. like.. crazy. i mean remember when we were talking about um.. if we should have her come and do it and we were like

" oh were only going to be here for a few months maybe, maybe it's not worth it". ". i was like, i had no idea it would even turn out this good and i thought it would be, put a frame on the wall. but. yeah. it's amazing. i love it. drive safe. alright. thank you. bye bye.

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