behr premium semi-transparent concrete stain, provides the variation of color found insome natural stone. different concrete composition, texture,surface imperfections and application technique will affectthe finished appearance. it is designed for use on uncoated andunsealed properly prepared interior or exteriorpatios, pavers, driveways, walkways, garage floors and other concrete floors. before you apply semi-transparentconcrete stain,
it is essential you have a properlycleaned and prepped surface. if you have a new or uncoated surface,please refer to the prep on coated surfaces for semi-transparent video. if you have a previously coated orweathered surface, please refer to the prep coated surfaces forsemi-transparent video. now that the surface is clean, preppedand you have ensured no sealer or coating is present. it is time to apply semi-transparentconcrete stain. please follow all label instructions.
make sure to stir before applying. apply stain in small concrete sectionsapproximately, four feet by four feet. work quickly and feather edges. apply with a high-quality pump sprayerat a fine spray setting, using a circular motion. if you prefer an even appearance,immediately after spraying, back roll with 3/8-inch nap roller orpad applicator. if you are using more than one can,intermix all cans have same product to ensure color uniformity.
spread rate will vary depending on theprecocity and texture of the surface. use the appropriate spread rate pergallon. use this product when air and surfacetemperatures are between 50â°-90â° f. an additional coat will provide a darker,more uniform color. for additional protection, use a productsuch as, behr premium number 985 wet- look sealer, for a high gloss finish or a productsuch as behr premium number 986 for a low- luster sealer, for a low gloss finish.
allow staying at least four hours to drybefore top coating. follow all label instructions. horizontal surfaces may be subject topremature wear. periodic touch-ups may be necessary. clean-up is easy with soap and water. coating will dry to touch in one hour. allow first go to dry four hours,before deciding if a second coat is necessary. be sure the surface is fully curedbefore use.
allow 24 hours for light foot traffic. allow 72 hours for heavy foot trafficand furniture. allow 7 days before subjecting toautomotive tires. allow 30 days before rinsing orcleaning with mild detergent. premature heavy traffic will cause paintfailure requiring spot recoating. we've just shown you how easy it is toapply, behr premium semi-transparent concrete stain. enjoy your beautifully coated andprotected surface.