[music playing] hi, i'm christan vick, a homestylist at the home depot. whether you're looking tototally redo your living room or just bring it up to date, hereare some trending decor ideas to help you get the look that you want. wall color plays a big partin freshening up a room, so it's a great place to start. and you don't necessarilyneed to paint all the walls. break up a larger room by applyinga complementary or contrasting color
to one accent wall. and don't be afraid to gobold with your color choices. also consider wallpaperingall or one of your walls. wallpaper is back, a popular new trend. and today's wallpapers offer a widearray of bold patterns, vibrant colors, and unique textures. your paper selection canreflect your existing decor or stand out in a fresh, unexpectedway to make your room pop. once you've createdyour focal point, you
can start positioning your furniture. start by positioning yourlargest pieces first, and then layer in rugs, tables,chairs, and accessories. create a conversation area bykeeping furniture close together in intimate groups. don't spread things toofar apart, but do allow enough room between pieces for passage. 2 feet is a good rule. your conversation area can feature amix of sofas, loveseats, or chairs,
whatever best suitsthe size of your room. if you do place furniturealong the edges of your room, float pieces a few inchesaway from the wall. this allows the room to breatheso that it doesn't feel cramped. gallery walls are a huge trend. you can create somethingbalanced and symmetrical or go for a more free-flowingand organic feel. to figure out your gallery wall, layall of your pieces down on the floor. move them around and play withwhat looks best next to each other.
or you can design your gallery wall byusing paper cutouts of each art piece. experiment with arrangementsbefore deciding. there are also online templates to help. ideally, one of your largerselections should serve as an anchor point for the arrangement. try mixing in other shapes, textiles, orsculptures to tell your personal story. you can also display your artpieces on decorative wall shelves so that you can easily rearrangeyour art as your tastes change. when shopping for textiles like pillows,window treatments, and area rugs,
it's helpful to bring along a sampleof your wall and furniture colors. coordinating these design elementswill help tie the whole room together in one cohesive look. if you have neutral-colored furniture,add pops of color with pillows. when mixing patterns,make sure they complement each other in either tone or color. start with largerrandom patterns and mix in smaller repetitivepattern pillows around them. limit the number of pillows youuse so that they grab attention.
area rugs can help createdifferent sections within a room as well as reinforce youroverall color scheme. when shopping for area rugs,consider choosing an outdoor rug. they are typically more durable,fade-resistant, and easier to clean than indoor rugs. plus there are vibrantpatterns and colors that you may not expectto find in outdoor rugs. an important element inany room is lighting. it can showcase certain aspectsof a room and help set the tone.
floor lamps and sconces are greatoptions for mid-level lighting. table lamps work wellfor low-level lighting. here's a bright idea. change out your bulbs for ones withupdated led or smart technology. the new led bulbs not onlylower your energy bill, they offer better color,function, and design options than bulbs that came outjust a few years ago. smart bulbs let you dim and programyour bulb's brightness and on times. they make it easy to createoverall directional and ambient
lighting in each room. good luck with your project. i hope it's a lot of fun. for more inspiration on home decor andcreating a look that you will love, visit us online at homedepot.com/decor.