hi my name iscrystal escobar also known as the wanna be balanced mom i'm a bloggerinstagrammer podcaster and wannabe youtuber as most of you know i'm on aquest to redecorate and reorganize my entire house room by room so be sure towatch the rest of my room makeover playlist if you want to see how i'veorganized and changed up other rooms in my houseso enjoy the tour of oliver's bedroom little blurred out over good jobwell you're so good at building this is the most important part of its helpingwith this part very important part there's a lot of pieces to this thing alot of pieces it looked like i saw the
best but we've already spent i thinkwe've spent almost an hour all over what almost an hour and i've only got thesetwo drawers high together sitting here somewhere else giving me moral support so what is itabed ease of bed new bed