What Does a Web Design Agency Do?

p margin-bottom: 0.21cm; All web design agencies are different but all work with clientswho want websites and an online presence that is likely to give theirbusiness the best chance of bein...

p margin-bottom: 0.21cm;

All web design agencies are different but all work with clientswho want websites and an online presence that is likely to give theirbusiness the best chance of being successful. With an agency behindyour project they will be aiming to help you make it a successutilising their team of web designers, SEO specialists and socialmedia marketeers to create new or improved websites alongsidedetailed online presentation strategies.

Below are some of the things that you could expect a typical webdesign agency to be working on each day to help you understand whatthey might be doing to achieve their, and your, goals.


This will either involve designers creating the code necessary fora clients ideas to become reality on screen or coming up with newconcepts and ideas of how best to facilitate both a clients and acustomers needs. Web designers consider many factors such as the waya customer will interact with a website, how it will look, and howmuch time each task could take.


For a web design agency, the brand will already exist and it willbe presented to them by the client. The task that the agency willundertake is to present that brand in a clear, concise and innovativeway online. This will include anything from brand specific colourcoordination to clear placement of brand logos across web pages.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Part of a web designagencies role will be to optimise websites that they build for searchengine use. This involves labeling or tagging pages within thewebsite with certain words or phrases that are likely to be searchedfor using sites like Google or Yahoo.

Social Media Marketing

These days, it's not enough to simply have a website, businessesare now expected to have a presence on social network sites such asFacebook and Twitter to allow for better customer interaction andextend their branding. A web design agency will work to both set upand maintain these social media profiles to ensure the company theyare representing are being represented to the public as widely aspossible.

Article Tags: Design Agency, Social Media

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