Where to find inspiration for a red-hot home page

Would you like to design an outstanding new one? One of the best things you can do is find an outstanding model to emulate. Lets take a look at one of the finest websites on the internet anddo a point-by-point analysis of what makes it great.

The World Wide Weband its many manifestations have exponentially magnified a companys ability totell its story at a relatively negligible cost.

The website is anycompanys primary port of entry into its online presence. When a person hearsabout an interesting company the first thing they typically do is seek out itswebsite. And what do they find?

Many times it isntpretty. The torts and misdemeanors committed on the home pages of businesswebsites are many. They include:

  • Content that is focused on the company rather than the visitor
  • A design that is too busy, disorganized and confusing
  • No sales hooks or call to action
  • No attempt to develop an abiding relationship with visitors by having them subscribe to a newsletter, blog or podcast
  • The home page doesnt connect visitors to the companys larger online strategy, such as Social Media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube
  • There is no design continuity with the companys other collateral and promotional materials
  • It doesnt offer prominent and clear navigation links
  • No effort is made to establish a sense of intimacy between the visitor and company

But lets not dwellon the negative. Lets take a look at an exemplary website that can serve as amodel for our own websites. Open a new tab or second browser window and go toMint.com.

This is the homepage for Mint Software, a Mountain View, Calif.-based company. The first thingwe notice is the lean, clean design and pleasing color palette.

Secondly, is thereany doubt what business service these guys have to offer you? Not after readingthe prominent banner headline: The best(free) way to manage your money.

Pass your cursorover the safe and secure link near the lower right corner of the page and a videoscreen containing a picture of Mint Software founder and CEO Aaron Patzerappears. It a powerful thing when a CEO speaks on a companys behalf. Duringthe two-minute video Patzer starts by reassuring potential customers that itssafe to do business with his company because Mint has bank-level datasecurity built into its servers. He goes on to explain the advantages ofhaving all your accounts consolidated in a single place, such as easier frauddetection and alerts.

What else do yousee on the Mint home page that reaches out to visitors and tries to create asense of intimacy, connection or familiarity?

Take a look at theprominent navigation links across the top of the page. Four of the five linksspeak directly to the visitors questions, needs and interests.

  • Why use Mint. Pass your cursor over that link and a drop-down menu appears with an extensive list of benefits that answer the question thats been posed.
  • How we can help. Again, the drop-down menu offers visitor-focused elaboration.
  • Find savings. Is there anybody who doesnt want to find savings in their budget or investment portfolio?
  • About. The about link is always one of the most important on the home page because it leads visitors right to the section that gives them a better understanding of the company. But the beauty of the Mint website is that it gives visitors a plethora of information and clarity about the company right on the home page, before any links are used to drill down.

The fifth link,Blog, is the sites effort to provide a continuing relationship and stream ofuseful information to its clients and prospects.

The links acrossthe bottom of the first screen, those superimposed over the green grass (a nicemetaphor for money and growth), give visitors an even stronger embrace. Letsreview them.

  • Understand your money. Ever wonder where your money really goes? Pass your cursor over this link and the home pages dominant graphic becomes an easy-to-read pie chart showing how the clients money is being allocated among expenditures like groceries, auto, rent, etc. Simply portrayed data thats valuable to anyone trying to get their arms around a household budget.
  • All your accounts in one place. A constellation of icons appear representing investments, checking accounts, loans, credit cards and so on. The advantage is spelled out in the adjoining paragraph that says, in part, Access all your balances and transactions together, on the web or your iPhone.
  • Easy budgeting tools. Budgeting is the bane of so many, but this links bar chart shows how a simple visual can help you get a handle on where youre spending and how to stay on budget.
  • Find instant savings. Everyone is looking to save money. Mint clearly articulates its service to customers with this statement: We compare your bank accounts, credit cards, CDs, brokerage and 401(k) to the best products out there. We find our typical user thousands in savings. See what you can save.
  • Safe and secure. As noted earlier, this link brings up the video of CEO Patzer talking about the high security and advantages Mint provides. Getting your CEO face-to-face with website visitors is one of the best ways to create a sense of intimacy with prospective customers.

The graphics andtext that pop-up on every one of these links includes a very prominent orangelink that says, Free! Get started here a risk-free call to action at everystep.

Then again, anycompany will assure you of its value and integrity. Theyre not exactly anobjective source. Thats why Mint.coms decision to include home-pagetestimonials was a stroke of good thinking. In unobtrusive gray text just belowthe banner headline are statements that read:

  • Best budgeting site Kiplingers magazine
  • Editors Choice Award PC Magazine
  • Top pick Money Magazine

Scroll down thehome page and you get revolving testimonials from Mint clients, as well as,What the press is saying, Whats new at Mint and Introducing MintLife,which is the new name for the company blog.

Its a brilliant,well conceived performance. The layout, design and graphics are excellent, thepage speaks directly to its visitors and the text is simple and direct.

Mint must be doingsomething right. The company was acquired by financial powerhouse Intuit duringthe fourth quarter of 2009 for $170 million.