kid bedroom paint ideas

kid bedroom paint ideas

give your kid's room a creative boost withthese easy and inexpensive diy ideas. [music] a stenciled border takes bedroom walls fromboring to riveted. to add a graphic punch use white paint to outline squares in alternatingcolors. make a headboard for cheap. personalize a hollow core door with paint and mount itto the wall. here, a whimsical motif looks like a custom design. stitch two small rugstogether to create a larger rug at a fraction of the cost. create an eye catching desk bycutting a round tabletop in half and mounting it to the wall. selfish corbels support tweetand added architectural flair. a trio or dry erase chalkboard and magnetic boards turnsa blank wall into a delightful message center. give plain storage bins a playful touch withwashy tape and fabric markers [music] with

these diy ideas you can give your kid's rooma playful new look.

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