today we're in my house, where i live withmy 3 kids and my wife, and uh, none of this work i've actually did myself, but we're goingto show a couple things that i did do. mostly for the kids. this is definitely one of theearlier creations that i made, back when i was 17 or 18 years old...i made this pencilcase. it's made out of teak wood, and some plastic shelves that the pencils can be heldin. since the kids came along, they've made it their own and kind of done a little extracolouring on the top and (laughs)...technically this is not in the house, it's just somethingthat i just built so that the kids could all make water balloons at the same time. it'sbasically 6 faucets that are all connected to the same hose. and we've also got theselittle contraptions on here, that help the
kids tie the knots themselves. and then youhave a water balloon. that was a pretty good shot. (splat!) ohhhexcellent. i built this desk for my kids to draw on. it's got a light up top and a lightdown below so they can put their favourite drawings, and put a piece of paper on topand trace them.that's awesome. i'm going crazy. you're going crazy, yeah. this is a set ofshelves that i threw together for my boys with some old railroad ties that i found ata railroad behind our old house and a piece of driftwood. but the coolest thing has gottabe the surf shack. this is the beds that i built for my 2 boys. it's basically made outof a lot of recycled material that i found. some decking that i had left over from mydeck, some wood that i found down by the beach,
some water reed that you can see pretty muchanywhere, it grows along the highway. it took about 2 months, working evenings between 11and 1 o'clock in the morning. you can see it has a lot of extra features. this is adoorbell that i added into the surf shack for the kids. (ding dong) i usually take thebattery out because otherwise they'll wake each other up all the time but, uh, they seemto enjoy that. so this piece here is a coconut telephone that i built so that the 2 boyscould talk to each other. there is a pvc pipe that runs out the back up to the top and thatway they can chat with each other. hello, anyone up there? halllooo. this is the coolestthing in the house. whoa! (laughter) you got me good. you can see the definition of "cool"changes when you become a dad.