Xyron has manufactured a lot of devices thatcan be used in crafting, from the brand new Creatopia to their seriesof Create-A-Sticker machines. One of their other crafting tools is theXyron Design Runner, a portable printer that allows you to print wordsand graphics on a variety of surfaces, including handmade greetingcards, scrapbook pages and so on.
Xyron has manufactured a lot of devices thatcan be used in crafting, from the brand new Creatopia to their seriesof Create-A-Sticker machines. One of their other crafting tools is theXyron Design Runner, a portable printer that allows you to print wordsand graphics on a variety of surfaces, including handmade greetingcards, scrapbook pages, and so on. Here are the strengths andweaknesses of the Design Runner.Strengths:
- This product can print designs on just about anything.Some materials you can use include paper (of course), metal, fabric,wood, and photographs. You can create standalone images or repeat yourdesign to create borders.
- The ink is non-toxic and acid-free. It won't fade away.
- This is a small unit that will fit comfortably in thepalm of your hand. Xyron also manufactures a carrying case for thisproduct so you can take your printer with you to crafting events oranywhere else you want to use it.
- This deviceis pretty easy to learn how to use, thanks to a display that will showyou what you're printing and buttons that let you choose which designyou want. You won't spend a lot of time learning how to use thismachine, which means you can get to the fun part - crafting - sooner.
- Each ink cartridge has the capability of printing up to 5,000 inches ofwords or designs, so long as the device is stored properly in betweenuses. This printer comes with a docking station for easy storage.
- Xyron makes several accessories to accompany this product. As mentionedbefore, one of these is a tote bag. The company also makes design discsthat have a lot of different themes, such as pets, holidays, flowers,new baby, and so on, and there are also font discs. (The printer comeswith a starter disc.) And if you want to create your own designs, youcan purchase a blank disc and Xyron Design Disk Maker to get started.There's also an accessory kit you can buy that will assist you inprinting in straight lines, creating circular patterns, and more.
- This device comes with a standard disc that contains 40designs. While it was nice of Xyron to include such a thing, 40 designsisn't really that many, and the other discs can be a bit expensive. Youcan expect to pay around $35.00 for a single disc.
- There are only three colors of ink available for this product: red,green, and black. It would be nice if there were a better selection ofcolors, such as pastels and neon colors. Plus, you can only print withone color at a time.
- Getting back to prices,the Design Runner isn't exactly inexpensive. This machine sells foraround $99.99. So if you purchase this printer along with several ofthe design discs (and possibly the carrying case and accessory kit, aswell), you will be putting out a lot of money.
Article Tags: Xyron Design Runner, Xyron Design, Design Runner