Check Out the Xyron Design Runner

The Xyron Design Runner is a revolutionary handheld printer. This small device has so many uses one hardly knows whereto start.Here arethe details of both the Design Runner as well as the availableaccessories.

The Xyron Design Runner is a revolutionaryhand held printer. This small device has so many uses one hardly knowswhere to start. Beyond the product itself, the available accessorieswill make this petite machine one that everyone will want to use. Hereare the details of both the Design Runner as well as the availableaccessories.

  • The Design Runner is a portable printing devicethat can be used on almost any surface. It is much more versatile thantraditional printers because it's not limited to flat sheets of paper.Simply choose what you want to print, whether words or graphics and runthe machine across the surface. You can select a single item or tell itto keep printing them. For example, you may want a single heart next toa picture. Or tell the machine to keep printing and create an entireborder of hearts. You can free hand waves across a page or merely printa design in a specific spot on the page. This device can print onpaper, tissue paper, fabrics, wood, foam, photos, and more. It isexcellent for use in scrapbooking, card making, paper crafting, andhome dcor projects.

  • The original includesa single disc containing a selection of basic Word Art, borders, anddesigns. Multiple discs are available and usually contain images andtext surrounding a theme, such a Christmas or a new baby. Each disccomes with a sheet showing true to size images so you can get an ideaof how they'll appear on your page.

  • Anaccessory kit is available for the design runner that includes a fewitems for more precision and elegance. A straight edge guide assiststhe user in creating perfectly straight lines of print. This isespecially helpful for printing on ribbon. The Italic base lets youcreate italic fonts. And the Arc handle designs perfectly symmetricalcircles and arcs.

  • The Design Disc Makerallows you to create your own designs, text, and images that the DesignRunner can then print. This item comes with a blank disc; more are alsoavailable for purchase.

  • And what handheld, portable device would be complete without a stylish carrying bag?This beautiful green case sports purple accents and enough room tocarry the Design Runner, up to ten discs, two inks, two nine-voltbatteries and more. The inks come in both black and green.

  • Ofcourse, there are a few minor downsides. As you may have noticed, theinks only come in green or black, not a very wide selection. And likeother crafting electronics, this one isn't cheap and there are severalaccessories to purchase as well. However, using this machine will saveyou both time and money spent on other products. If you do a lot ofscrapbooking and paper crafting, this device is totally worth it.

Overall, this is an excellent machine. The Design Runnerportable printing device takes the printer to the project for fastresults. The versatility is amazing and you'll be happy you got it. Getone today so you can start creating!