Chimney Sweeping Traditions and Modern Needs

Chimney Sweeps have a place in modern society as those who know the science and safety behind properly functioning fireplaces and other heating devices. Read on to learn more about chimney sweeping.

Chimney Sweeps have a place in modern society as those who know the science and safety behind properly functioning fireplaces and other heating devices. The history and literary depiction of the occupation, however, would have you to believe that the job is antiquated or even fictional. Traditions and superstitions are bounding in European countries concerning good luck and good will, but undeniably, the dirty job, is indeed a modern need for more than just those with wood burning fireplaces.

At the mention of the term, perhaps you are cued to begin singing. Musicals such as Oliver Twist and Mary Poppins have drawn a connotation of these laborers as somewhat fictional or at least a vocation in society that, because of technological advances, are no longer needed. Though it would not hurt anyone in todays rigid and fast paced society to burst into choreographic song and dance once in awhile, the true place still exists for the occupation.

If you can place yourself in front of the television in the living room of your childhood, you may be able to conjure up the memory those affiliated with the job are also affiliated with good luck, as Dick Van Dyke once chimed, good luck will rub off if I shake hands with you. Such folklore is still popular today in places such as England where those who hold the title will rent themselves out to wedding parties. Tradition stands that if a bride sees crosses in the path of a sweep on the day of her wedding, good luck will be bestowed, and in Germany, superstition dictates that you should rub your shirt or coat button as you pass a sweep in the street. The fallacy originated due to the all black, gold buttoned uniform donned by those in the field of employment.

Contrary to popular belief that the profession is affiliated only with myth, literature, or at most another time period, chimney sweeping is lucrative business today, though the profession has moved on to include more than just coal burning fireplaces. Those in the field of occupation today are well trained and educated in building and fire codes as well as the maintenance of any heat venting appliances. With so many appliances in the home emitted carbon dioxide, proper function of ventilation is key to a safe home, and it is this kind of service, inspection, and peace of mind that regularity of the service provide to the home owner.

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