Kick the burglars out of your home and gardens

Crime against property is increasing day by day ruiningmany home owners dreams of building their sweet homes and gardens. We at For your Home an opportunity to guide you, ahome owner in providing some information about securing your home

Few homeowners really bother about security until something happens to theirhouse or a neighbour.Its our dont fix it if aint broken attitude that gives the burglar's anupper hand. However there are many simple basic things we can know to make ourhome safer and give a fighting face.

Assess your home security need

Planning and design a full proof security system starts with assessing yoursecurity needs. The first basic thing to start with is a survey of the homepremise, both inside and outside including physical home objects and theirposition within the premises. Riskfactors and loss potential are scrutinized as these greatly influence how farwe would like to secure our homes and gardens keeping in mind the budget. Morethe risk and valuable the objects, greater planning and security considerationsare to be made for particular part of the property.

Types of Home Security

Next comes considering four golden types on which any security systemplanning is considered;

Time or barrier security: TIMEis a biggest enemy of any burglar. The more time it takes to break into a home,the more discouraged a burglar will become. This makes time or barrier securitythe simplest and must have security type for any home. Simple home securitydevices such as locks on doors (here deadbolts are worth looking), window bars,security gates, security film, security grillesthat are visible from the exterior of the house will not only act as adeterrent but slow down an intruder should they decide to try to enter. Forexample, security bars are very useful for protecting basement windows as theyprovide visual deterrence as well as providing barrier security. However wehave to understand here that locks and other barrier security serve primarilyto prevent entry by the amateur and to slow or deter the professional burglars

Lighting security: Lightsare sweet curse for any burglars since good security lighting is one of thegreatest deterrents to crime. Manyburglars prefer the cover of darkness and by keeping your property well lit atnight, you take away their opportunity to strike. When using light as a type ofsecurity, make sure darker areas like back doors and windows, shrubbery,walkways and entrances to your garage and basement are well illuminated. Nowadays motion detectionlighting which lights on sensing any motion are best since they save on energyand provide on demand security lighting needs. For more information on howlights can provide a mean to secure your homes and gardens, please read our OutdoorLights comes to secure our Homes and Gardens article,

Sound security: SOUND ORNOISE is also the enemy of the burglar. One can get hugerange of home security alarms activated by doors or windows opening or bymotion. If you are pet lovers then a dog is one of the trusted and lovely soundsecurity one can get. Not because it's vicious, it need not even be seen, butit has to be heard. Nowadays people can even get a recorded dog bark and willscare most burglars away.

Surveillance security: BIG BROTHER is watching you. No bodylikes being watched and not when one is illegally entering a property. Surveillancesecurity like, Close circuit camera TV (CCTV) are the latest techno way ofsecuring our homes and gardens. However we have to understand here is that mostof the security systems just helps us to identify the culprit if no body ishome and the crime has taken place There are also alarm guarded securitycameras whereas some cameras can be linked to internet for you to watch fromwhere ever you are present or to a security company that will send helpimmediately. To find the right Surveillance security system, you can read our QuickGuide in Selecting the right CCTV Security System article,

Last but not the least

Almost all police stations have alocalcrime reduction officer who will happily give you advice over the phone or mayvisit your home if they think it is necessary.

One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to secure your home at theproperty line is to turn on senses of your neighborhood. Community policingprograms, like come and be one, have shown great success in reducing propertycrime around the world.

As risk and value of the objects inside the property increases the securitysystem should be layered so that thieves are forced to spend valuable timeafter entering the premises but before penetrating the barrier security to getto the reward.

Avoid regular routines that make it obvious you are away from home atspecific times of the day or night. This may be bit inconvenient, but try to beflexible in your routines of departure and arrival when possible

Whenever you are on vacations, check all the security systems/items are functioningand also arrange for neighbor to watch house. Plus have your mail and newspaperdelivery stopped and arrange to have your yard maintained which will help tokeep your home a live in like look.

Planning and designing an effective security system is as much as an artthen logic, but more than anything else involves common sense and while thereis temptation to rely on high technology, try to keep it simple. The bestsecurity system gives equal importance to all the four type of security withthe barrier one being the leading one and then backed by other three typeswherever needed

Part of the fun of owning a home is experimenting with keeping your home asafe and better place to live in this unpredictable unsafe world. While you'remaking your home as attractive as you can to your friends and neighbors, youcan make it equally unattractive to intruders. We at For your home hope theseinformation and suggestions on how to secure your homes and gardens will help toreduce the ruining of your dream home.

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