Rosenthal Sushi Dinner Set

This elegant Rosenthal Loft Square Dinnerware never goes outof fashion, especially when it's simple and unfussy. Design competence since1879. The World over, Rosenthal is synonymous with innovative design, qualityproducts and timeless style. One section depicts a palm tree above crossedswords.

This elegant Rosenthal Loft Square Dinnerware never goes outof fashion, especially when it's simple and unfussy. This stylish fine chinarange features a delicate embossed design of ever decreasing squares, and willprovide years of reliable service. Founded in Selb, Germany, by PhilipRosenthal and his wife in 1879, Rosenthal has grown over the following yearsinto one of the finest porcelain and ceramic design companies in the world. Therenowned, continuing collaboration of artists includes Mario Bellini, Bulgari,Jasper Morrison, Walter Gropius, Roy Lichenstein, and Gianni Versace. To bringRosenthal to your table is to introduce elegance, creativity and quality. Thecompany also offers stemware and giftware.

Design competence since 1879. The World over, Rosenthal issynonymous with innovative design, quality products and timeless style. OurRosenthal dinnerware is not currently available to purchase on line. Abeautiful modern design Rosenthal that lends versatility and creativity toeveryday dining and entertaining. The Rosenthal Loft collection features purewhite porcelain highlighted with a subtle white on white line relief design.This set includes four 11-in. dinner plates, four 8.5-in. salad/dessert plates,four 9.5-in. soup bowls, and four mugs, all of which are microwave anddishwasher safe.

Dinner plate, porcelain, Rosenthal Porcelain Co, Germany,1956. From a service of 14, 680 pieces made for King Saud of Saudi Arabia.Glazed white body, with narrow gold band around rim, decorated with a line ofraised dots. Within this is a band of gold on white decoration of flowers andscrolls. One section depicts a palm tree above crossed swords. Within this bandon the slope down to the centre of the plate is a band of raised, gold,stylised paisley decoration. The centre of the plate is white. Verso makersmark. Please purchase on online

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