ambassador dining room

ambassador dining room

hi. i’m lorie marrero, creator of the clutterdiet book and on-line program, and today’s clutter video tip is about how to organizeyour laundry room. i’m going to give you my basic 12 elements of any good laundry roomand we’re going to start with number one, obviously, washer and dryer – that wouldbe very important. number two is staging and sorting space. so a lot of people use thefloor to stage and sort, also i have a three compartment sorting hamper that really helpswith this as well. number three is hanging space. you want tohave space to hang up a few things right out of the dryer so they don’t get wrinkled,[pop] and you want to have space to store folded clothing before you’ve had a changeto put it away. so shelving and other kinds

of storage space where you can put somethinglike this where we have baskets for each area of the home or member of the family to puttheir items before they’ve had a chance to put them away. you also want to have drip-dry hanging spacewhere you can put items that are delicate, that are not supposed to go into the dryer,and they can just hang and dry, sort of like a clothes line indoors. and this is an ironingcenter where you have all of the ironing supplies together and out of the way. number sevenis folding space. now, we mostly use our dining table and that is completely okay. a lot oftimes if this space is clear we can also use the top of the dryer. but as long as you knowhow to clear that off quickly and put the

clothes away and you don’t let it be a permanentlaundry area, the dining room table is totally fine. number eight is cleaning and laundry obviously you’ve got to have your detergent, which you can slightly see here, also we havesome things for the dryer. and you want to have maintenance supplies also, usually ina utility room. so we have some light bulbs here, some other items, like touch-up markersfor my furniture, batteries, things like that. we have other videos about that. another itemthat a lot of people [pop] forget is what we call the “lonely socks basket.” so,here is the basket we put all the extra socks in when we can’t match them up, and thenat some point, which is right now when this

is full, one of the members of the family– often it’s a great job for a kid – will go through and match up whatever we can matchand then donate the rest. [pop] next we have pocket items. so things thatyou find in the washing machine or the dryer that have fallen out of peoples’ pockets,usually buttons are there and loose change. so you can save that stuff up. and finally,number 12, a trash can. those are the basic 12 elements of any successfulwell-functioning laundry room. and if you need help with a project like a laundry room,we’ve helped thousands of people in over 18 countries around the world with our expertteam available seven days a week. you can upload a photo of your laundry room and showus what’s going on and we can help you for

about the price of a pizza. you can find outhow at see you next time, and may you always be happyand grateful for having more than enough.