best dining room lighting

best dining room lighting

hey everyone! welcome back to lavendaire. it's aileen. if you follow my instagram, then you knowthat i am obsessed with my new plant. it's a fiddle leaf fig that i named lila. anyway, i thought that today i'd share thebest the best indoor plants that you can get for your home that will lookbeautiful, aesthetic, but will also purify the air in your home,so it's a win-win situation. i just did some basic research and handpickedsome of the best-looking ones, in my opinion,

and easy-to-take-care-of ones because i'mstill a plant beginner. most of these are on nasa's list for the besthouseplants to purify the air, and the other ones i chose just because they're so aesthetic. you see them on pinterest and instagram, and they're just too beautiful to not include on this list. please not that some of these plants may be toxic, so it's not recommended if you have pets orsmall children who might eat them. in this video, i'll be sharing some basicinfo on the plants, but there will be more info, details, andlinks down below, so check that out.

alright, so let's start with my fiddle leaf fig. the fiddle leaf fig is known for its large,glossy violin-shaped leaves. it's an interior design favorite and you can find it literally all over pinterestand interior design blogs. mine is a small one, but these grow really tall, and i love that they look like a whimsicaltree out of a dr. seuss story. these fiddle leaf figs love bright and indirect sunlight, and you know when to water it when you stickyour finger in the soil and the top one inch is dry.

i usually water mine once or twice a week,depending on the season. i also take a microfiber cloth to wipe anydust off of the leaves, maybe once a week or so, so that the leavescan absorb the sunlight better. fiddle leaf figs love humidity, so becauseit's dry in california, i take the time to mist the leaves every morning. if you have a humidifier, you can also usethat to regulate the humidity in your room. the leaves will grow towards the light, soif you want your plant to grow evenly, you should rotate it whenever you notice it'sleaning in one direction. proper drainage is also very important toprevent root rot,

which is when the roots sit in the water for too long. i just got this self-watering planter fromtarget, so if there's any extra water, it just flows into the reservoir on the bottom, but if you have a pot without holes, i recommend putting rocks or pebbles at thebottom of the pot under the soil so that any extra water will flow into therocks and not stay in the soil. okay, so because i'm not a plant hoarder yet, we'll have to go out and find those otherplants together. but before we go, i want to take a momentto thank ecosia for sponsoring this video.

ecosia is a search engine that plants treeswith its profits, so you plant trees just by searching the webwhich is so cool. it's one of the most privacy-friendly searchengines out there and it's 100% powered by renewable energyand 100% co2-neutral. through ecosia, the profits from this videowill go towards supporting treepeople, a california-based forest restoration organization. the more people who watch and share this videoand start using ecosia, the more trees will be planted around la. how awesome is that?

so start using ecosia by clicking that link down below. alright, let's go! first, i decided to go to a local plant shopthat is the cutest place. the first plant that caught my eye is anotherone of my favorites. it is the monstera deliciosa. this plant also goes by other names such as"window leaf" or "swiss cheese" plant. and of course you see it's known for its unique leaves with those beautiful cut outs and splits. i actually have an artwork of this plant inmy living room

because i love the shape so much. this one's a younger one but these plantscan grow up to be so beautiful and make a big statement in your home. similar to the fiddle leaf fig, they likeindirect sunlight and you'll also have to mist the plant andwipe dust off of its leaves occasionally. there were so many cute plants at the shop, but i'll wait to show you them in order alongwith the ones that i found at the next spot, so let's go to the next location. i basically hit jackpot at this next spot.

i found all of the plants that were on my list, all but one, and so i spent a good couple hours here filmingeach of the plants. let's start, shall we? first, let's talk about peace lilies. the peace lily is a super easy-to-care-formedium-sized plant known for its fresh lily flower and beautiful leaves. they're on nasa's top list of plants that purify the air, because they're known to reduce the levelsof toxins in the air. my mom actually has one of these plants.

you've seen it in my how to meditate videoor my back to basics series. peace lilies do well in shade and cooler temperatures, and they also tolerate low humidity. this makes them great for dry areas or apartmentsthat get less natural lighting. what's cute and convenient is that their leaves will droop if they're thirsty and perk up again after watering. next is the snake plant, also known as "mother-in-law's tongue". these plants are so popular. you've probably seen them on pinterest or instagram.

they have this clean structure, so it goesreally well with the minimalist vibe. snake plants don't need much light or water to survive, so they're great for beginners. they basically grow anywhere. they're an easy choice for any corner of your home. they're also on nasa's list of air-purifying plants. this plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releasesoxygen during the night, while most plants do that during the day, so you could put one in your bedroom for anoxygen boost at night.

moving onto the golden pothos, also known as "devil's ivy". these are a fast-growing vine, so they'regreat for hanging baskets. but if you don't want to hang them, you canalso put them on a shelf and let the leaves hang down. or put them on a table and let the leavesspill over onto the table. i love the cute, heart-shaped leaves and thedifferent varieties of variegated leaves, which means the marbling on the leaf. it's so beautiful. next is this chinese evergreen plant withits beautiful leaves.

these plants are also very easy to take care of. they thrive in low light and will grow inplaces where other plants won't grow. because they're tropical, they do like humid air. so if your air is too dry, their tips mightstart turning brown, so you want to mist the leaves occasionally. they also do a great job filtering out a varietyof air pollutants, and if you care for them right, they can livefor ten years or more. next we have the spider plant, another verycommon, very easy-to-grow plant. most of the plants on this list are toxicfor pets and small children.

the spider plant is not, so this is a safe houseplant if you have pets or children in the house. spider plants thrive in cool to average hometemperatures and prefer dry soil. they also like bright and indirect sunlight,so keep them close to a window. now let's talk about the rubber tree. this tree has big, dark green shiny leavesthat definitely make a statement. to me, they're like the perfect minimalist,structured plant to have in your home, especially if you don't want things to betoo colorful. they also like bright and indirect light.

and keep in mind: these trees can also grow pretty large. here we have aloe vera, another one of nasa'stop air-purifying plants. this is an easy-case succulent that has elongated leaves. aloe vera actually has a history of being used for medicinal purposes, dating back to ancient egypt. the gel inside of the aloe plant can help heal cuts and burns and has multiple other benefits too. aloe vera loves full sunlight, so it's a greatchoice for a sunny kitchen window. lastly, succulents are super cute and supereasy plants to bring into your home. there are so many different varieties, soi'm just going to be general here. succulents love bright and direct sunlight,and you barely need to water them.

they're the lowest maintenance plants on this list. you could basically neglect them and they'llstill be okay. alright, so after filming the plants yesterday,i could not come home empty-handed, so i just want to show you my little plant haul. i got two of these pathos. i think they're so gorgeous because of thevariegated leaves, which means it's marbled-looking. and then i also got this guy. this is an aloe and i've named him mr. aloe black.

and i've named the two plants the gemini twins. i really couldn't decide which one to get,so i decided to come home with two. i might give one away or i might keep both. i still haven't decided. but i hope you enjoyed this video about plants. i hope it inspired you to bring some lifeinto your home. and don't forget to check out ecosia for a search engine that plants trees. everything's down below. i'll see you guys in the next one.
