bohemian dining room

bohemian dining room

today i'm going to be announcing my newthrift challenge you guys really enjoyed my last one so i'm super excited to doanother one also as a little extra bonus today i'll be sharing with you my latestinterior decor book that has been inspiring me first let's talk about thisinterior decor book that i want to share with you guys today that's totally beeninspiring me i don't buy interior decor books that often because they can bepretty pricey so i kind of when i do buy one it's really special occasion i liketo sit on the couch with a cup of tea a blanket and just absorb it it's so funwhen i get to do that and that makes me think i should start this into a wholenew segment so anytime i want to talk

about an interior decor book thatinspires me i'm just gonna throw it in in a video and there we go i'm gonnacall it sarah's interior decor book it's really awesome awesome talks yeah yeahso today i'm gonna talk about the newest bohemians handbook by justina blakeney ithink that i'm pronouncing her name rightshe wrote the new bohemians it's a fun little another fun little interior decorbook and she also has a famous blog called the jungle oh so if you haven'tchecked it out you should check out her blog but she's a pretty pretty cool galand i really love her new book really all about like creating a space a homethat you love that's filled with stuff

you love you can picture yourself in itand there's a part of the book that inspired me from for this thriftchallenge that i'm going to talk about here in a minute she talks about if youhave a space in your home that's really not functioning for your needsthen go ahead and change it up so that is what has inspired me one of thethings that has inspired me to do this next the rif challenge which now i'mgonna talk about so i had such a blast in my last thrift challenge that i justcouldn't wait like i have to do another one and i think you guys respondedreally well to that so today i'm gonna announce this new thrift challengemakeover but here's a catch i want to

make over my dining room but i'm notgoing to keep it a dining room i'm gonna make it into a completely differentspace i'm gonna change up its function i'm gonna make it a music / media roomso this is probably a question you guys are asking why are you doing this numberone we have a kitchen table and a dining table so that's like 10 chairs diningchairs for p&i and we just never use a dining table it's just doesn't get usednumber two we don't do fancy dinners that often like once or twice a year andit ends up collecting dust the dining table and it just collects stuff in andwe're kind of sick of it number three is that we have this really cool stereosystem set up in that space and we have

a lot of records that we like to listento but the dining table is like kind of in the way takes up a lot of space wehave to get around it squeezed by and it's just it doesn't function rightnumber four is there's no rule that says we have to have a dining table like justbecause of the person before us put a date dining table in this house doesn'tmean we have to choose nobody tells me what to do all right so what do we wantwhat do i want to achieve what are they kind of make goals forthis new music / media lounge i want it to be comfy so instead of dining tableand chairs i think i want to get some sort of like comfy lounge chairs or likea comfy sofa or like loveseat i'm not

really sure when i see it i'll know butit has to be comfy number two i want to display some records we have a lot ofrecords and storage but i want to put a lot of our favorite ones out on displayand i want it to be easy to be able to play record number three we have thisreally cool wall unit that i definitely want to keep it just needs to be filledwith you know a lot of pretty stuff number four is soft lighting i want tomake sure there's a lot of soft lighting in the space because it's supposed to berelaxing we have an overhead light that i really love but it just it's only likeon one setting number five my goal for the space isto finish the door we have this sliding

slider door that we just put in thissummer as like a project for our house we added on a deck and we put up a newslider in but we haven't quite finished the inside molding of the slider so it'sa bit of an eyesore right now so this is gonna actually force me to finish it andget it done last but not least here's here's a partthat's important for this challenge you have to do is follow three simple rulesone this challenge is gonna be 31 days long my last challenge my bedroommakeover was was 60 days long and that for me i felt was just too long too i'mgiving myself a budget of $200 i'm gonna give myself a little bit more cushionthan last time to start in 3 if i sell

anything in my entire space keyword andtire there i'm going to put that money towards my budget so my motto kind ofthis year is definitely gonna be if i bring anything into my home i want tomake sure i take something out and obviously i encourage you guys to dothis challenge as well follow along makeover it's a space in your homehowever you liked with whatever budget you want and we have 31 days startingnow that is it my high style thrifters yeah that's why i'm calling you know cuzi like it dig it alright question for you guys don'tbefore i go let me know in the comments what types of videos you like to seefrom me do you like to see thrift

makeovers do you like to see throughhauls or come shopping with me videos or all the above let me know in thecomments give me a shoutout yeah oh before i forget one lastannouncement this is important i have dedicated myself to posting a videoevery friday morning that's it you're gonna get a video from me every fridaymorning i'm super excited about it because i have a schedule anyways thatnow that's finally it right again my name is sarah i makevideos to show that great style for your home is possible with thrift shopping sodon't forget to subscribe to my channel if you like to see videos like thatalright see you on friday next friday
