bronze dining room lights

bronze dining room lights

i hate that. i'm right in front of the sign. like what wasn't even the point hey guys, welcome to another episode of cat chats. i can't believe i'm actually filming a video like this i never thought in a million years that i would ever film a video like this on my channel but i absolutely felt the need to film this video because i really want your guys's opinion i want to know what the hell you guys think this is i feel like i know what it is i feel like it it's very clear but there are so many people in my life who tell me it's just dust i mean the majority of the people who are telling me this our earth signs and they're non-believers. i even had a capricorn tell me it was smoke

smoke was more believable to them been an entity. it's oh my god. i'm getting so ahead of myself let me explain before i show you guys what i caught on camera or what. i think i caught on camera i gotta tell you the back story there is a whole story that i gotta tell you before i show you this video because then it might not make a lot of sense. so take a seat grab some popcorn grab some wine cuz we about the tux on freaky shit not like sex freaky that was that sounded weird. i meant like, you know, like spirit freaky like i said, i never thought i would ever make a video like this but it wasn't until i think i caught something on camera that i was like, oh my gosh

i have to show everybody online because i want to see if there are people who agree with me and normally i would dismiss something like this, but there were just too many weird things that were leading up to this video now obviously you guys just have to take my word for it. these are just stories i'm telling you and stories that people have told me from being in my house so i'm sure there's gonna be comments from a ton of people telling me that they don't believe me that i am just making up stories for this video i'm not lying and i believe the other people in these stories now and i honestly have no reason to lie and like i said

the only reason i am uploading this video is because i got video footage i think so to understand i got to start at the beginning now. i know i'm an aquarius with a scorpio moon. so naturally i'm into the paranormal i'm into alien. i'm very spiritual. i love learning about the other side i'm very enjoy i am very open to everything so yes, that's very a query see and a very scorpio way of me but as you can see by my birth chart, i have a lot of planets in capricorn so therefore i am extremely skeptical about a lot of things. i honestly don't believe anything anybody tells me ever it's actually really sad and really bad and i need to work on that

so when friends and family started telling me that they were like hearing things in my house. i was like because i personally had never experienced anything like that chill be fair i have never in my life experienced anything like that. that's why i'm shocked that i'm sitting here right now. i can't ever since i was a little girl i always had friends who would like feel things and tell me that they would see things that i never understood it because i never saw anything. i've never seen a spirit and although i never experienced anything like that i always knew other people did i've never been a skeptic about like spirits in the spiritual world i i mean that's just what i believe you guys believe whatever you want but i definitely believe it's real and that spirits are a thing and that people see them and i believe them i believe people see them

i just i've never had that experience which by the way, i am very grateful for. thank you. well until the other night so i moved into a house a couple years ago and i am the first owner of this house and you would think that you would be safe from the entities but no no that doesn't matter doesn't matter and whatever. it's been great i love my home fabulous a few months into living here danny's stepsister and danny stepmom started to notice things i have always been really intuitive people and they've experienced things like this in the past they started to tell me that they were hearing like a girl in my house and actually never went away

it didn't happen all the time but every once in a while, they would tell me that they would hear certain things and that it never felt bad but that there was something here and most of the time every time they would hear something it was coming from upstairs so whatever i didn't think anything of it because as long as i felt, okay, and i i didn't feel like it was bad i didn't mind then one day i'm in california and i traveled to elate a lot for work and whenever i am in la danny's dad always comes and stays the entire time and takes care of the dogs and you he liked how sips and dog suits and one day i got home from a trip and he was telling me he was inside daddy's office which daddy's office is on the second floor

right next door he was telling me he was in danny's office like on the computer and all of the sudden the lights started flickering on and off like a bunch of times and he flipped out and let me tell you he is a very very strong brave aries very rarely. is he ever fazed by anything and he flipped out, but we blamed it on electricity we're like, oh maybe the light is messed up in the room. we have to fix the bulb. whatever there's always a logical explanation for all these things. of course then this is the one that gets me. this is the one that really gets me danny doesn't believe he really just doesn't believe in like ghosts, or

anything like that and one day he's here by himself with his dad in his office and i had left to go get us both or we gotta which is like a fast-food restaurant here in florida and a half boiled it'll be good and i call him and i'm like, hey, what do you want? he tells me his order he shows me the dad's order. i'd hang up whatever when i walk into my house like 20 minutes later danny is like pale white he's expanding in the kitchen and even though there he was like freaking out and i'm like, oh god what the fuck now so a guy name is danny. we're in his office and he said that he heard the dogs walking around in front of our bedroom. let me actually paint a picture for you so, you know what i'm talking about?

my second floor is small it just has the bedrooms when you come up the stairs when you make a right my bedroom is right there and it has like this little balcony area where you can see to the first floor and then if you make a left you see like my bedroom and danny's office or whatever he heard like the dogs walking around in front of the bedroom like rocking in circles like if they were really playing with someone or chasing someone and then they said that they heard my voice they said that they heard a girl talking to the dogs and playing with the dogs but it was faint and they couldn't really tell what it said but it sounded like a girl and it sounded like she was playing with the dogs and it was just for like a few seconds and danny says that he would have just let it go like oh something i'm hearing but it's the fact that his dad heard the

exact same thing it both looked at each other and freaked out because it sounded like me like it sounded like there was a girl in the hallway but they knew i had just hung up the phone on them and i was a boy throw pee god so there was no i have gotten home in two minutes and as they're telling me this story. i'm just looking at danny like oh you see are you serious? like i couldn't even believe it. danny would never like danny has a logical explanation for everything. that's why i'm like, okay clearly. there's something here something's going on but as long as i know it's nice like i mean, she's playing with the dogs, you know as long as i know she's cool

she can stay as long as she doesn't show herself to me or talk to me at all. i'm cooley again i didn't think anything of it until the other day when i was filming the q&a video when i was recent one that i uploaded on youtube and i swear to you. i heard a door swing open in my hallway. actually, i'm gonna play that clip for you okay, if i sound like i'm out of breath during this video not is because my heart is beating so fast right now. i think i'm gonna faint i was about to sit down to film this video i'm about to do a q&a by the way. hi. hello, my beauty room door is closed everyone is at the warehouse packing up stuff for lights label. i heard a door open i heard a door swing open out there in my hallway

and i looked on my cameras and all my doors are open like the doors that i can see in the hallway and then selene heard it too and she got up, and she did that like that dog, huh thing like her you're going back late that freaked me out i don't know what that was. i mean it was the door. i heard the door i know what my door sound like when they opened in the hallway. it's super forward if you're here, please. let me film my video come back later when there's people here ok another day another day another day. nothing. nothing. nothing. well, i take a breather. you know what i don't have time for this i'm texting stephanie about my situation is just like oh well

you know one time i was in your house and i heard someone say hi but doesn't help me stephanie that was the first time i had ever heard something here to where it actually scared me where i'm like, oh wait i heard a noise and i know it was in my frickin imagination i heard a door swing open and then stephanie tells me that story where she was sitting in danny's office means anywhere like in the backyard or something she was by herself using the computer and she heard somebody say hi clear as day in her ear and the crazy thing is that everyone who has told me stories about this they have been in my house like by themselves either

i've been in the backyard or have been away and they're house-sitting for me it always happens when there's like one or two people in the house it's never when there's a bunch of people here don't ever after the door swings open that day. i'm like, holy crap am i starting to hear things too? i start to freak out a little bit, whatever then my mom texted me not too long ago and i actually posted this on twitter. i will put up the screenshot. she said mama i sake and do casa she was actually at my house she lives like three blocks away from me and i had left in my house, but i hadn't returned yet and she text me hey, like, are you here? and i was like not yet. and she said oh my god mama. yo te kuchiki. oh my god

i just heard your voice here. she wrote isis not a fanatic and an evil hora yo, pensaba que esta vez going in and oficina. she pretty much does when danny went downstairs, and she realized danny was by himself she freaked out because she thought she heard my voice like she thought she heard us talking to each other in the office pinero lol, nope. i'm not home that wasn't me. she said yo te karate talk ain't rastas era ii was like i heard you in the other room so that shit really freaked me out because that's like the second person to tell me that it sounds like me which is really weird. but anyway so then that happens and it makes me start to pay attention to my surroundings

a lot more that makes me something about porter porter never leaves my side porter's literally right in front of me curled up in a bomb, you know all the dogs are but even when the dogs are roaming the house and hanging out porter is by my side 24/7 he's one of those like really needy your keys and i started to notice that when i would edit my videos and my door was open he would just start walking up and down the hallway like a little crazy dog in circles like if he's chasing someone or following someone the more that i noticed this it doesn't happen every single night but it starts happening like two to three times a week now and i'm like, what is he doing? why is he walking in circles out there in the hallway? it's so weird. so i start to watch him in the cameras, right? i'm like looking him through my cameras

i have a camera that sits right on top of the hallway and i'm actually gonna play this for you just so you can see what i'm talking about see this was on may 28th in the room at the end of the hallway where it has like that chair that's danny's office and he's currently in there like in this one you're watching this video he's in the office and he's playing xbox and i am in my beauty room which is the room that's shining bright and i was sitting there and i'm editing a video and as you can see porter he's just like walking around but i don't know if you noticed he keeps like smelling the grounds sniffing the floor and then like looking at something and you can see here when he goes down the freaking hallway. okay, look at him. look look look look look it's gonna happen right now

he passes the door and he stops he looks around which is crazy because all there there is there is a freaking chair and then he comes back and notice him how he's about to like go into my room or go into danny's office but that he curves around and he comes back and then he like looks back. it's very strange. he never does this i would be like, oh, he's like walking around the hallway it's not that serious, but he never freakin does that i'm watching him in the cameras and i'm like, okay i think something's there. even though i can't see it. i can't feel it. i can't hear it i think something's there and porter's like playing with it. i i really start to believe it at this point, and i'm fine with it

well be ash my board just fell back the board that i always keep behind me like that i've written bill messages on it's just like pho but i'm pretty sure it's because i like hit the thing and like made my floor vibrate i finally became a full-blown believer the other night. oh my god. all right so this story this one's this one's crazy and i can't believe it's coming out of my mouth. i can't believe who am i so it's a typical night here at my house. it's just me and dining home whenever i'm editing at night danny's always right across the hall and i go downstairs to the kitchen and i open my phone and i start telling a story i think i'm telling my sister story

i forget who i was talking to but i was recording myself and i was cracking up like the story i was telling i thought it was so funny and i was legit like laughing my ass off i won't tell you the story then as i'm telling the story i walk into my living room and you can see the upstairs from my living room downstairs because like i told you i have that little balcony area that little balcony hallway area in front of my bedroom. i'm downstairs i walk into the living room and i'm like laughing and when i'm done laughing i shit you not i hear this, huh. i swear just like that just like just like that just like that and i heard it coming from that area right upstairs i have like a mini panic attack and that my initial reaction is to look up to see who the hell is laughing

at me or laughing with me and when i look up i don't see anything like and i'm really trying i'm like so yourself who are i'm looking i don't see anything so immediately my logical mind is like but you are hearing things and i go to walk back into the kitchen and when i walk into the kitchen, i heard the upstairs cracked like if somebody was walking on the wood in that same area that i heard someone laughing. i heard like someone take two steps, you know, like when somebody walked home with a look i heard that and my immediate reaction was oh my gosh. that's cornelius. that's silly

that's someone because i know danny's in his office sitting down and then i live right in front of me and i noticed that all three of the dogs are with me so i couldn't have been the dogs and i flip out. i like run outside in my backyard and i collect myself. i'm like calm down relax relax relax, i'm outside for like five minutes after it happened. i go upstairs. i convince myself. i'm crazy i go upstairs i start editing my video and while i'm editing my video, i see porter leave the bd room and he starts doing nothing walking around and sir and something tells me like, okay you need to look at your cameras because like you heard something five minutes ago. like i know you're telling yourself you're crazy, but just just just go look at the cameras. i'm getting goosebumps. just thinking about this because i cannot believe that this even happened

okay so i go to look in the cameras and i'm watching him and right as i'm about to like exit so that i can start screen recording on my phone because i look at the cameras through my app and right as i'm gonna exit so i can start screen recording something tells me like now just keep watching the camera. like i just i dismissed the thought of screen recording i'm just letting myself see what the hell's going on live whatever in that exact moment i couldn't have been watching the camera for more than two minutes like i never sit there for hours watching the camera like whenever i go to see what the hell with porter is doing i'm watching for a solid three minutes max and then i just exit because

see him do anything. he's just walking in circles so i was honestly looking at the camera preciate you not like two minutes when i catch what appears to me now? i could be freaking crazy i catch what appears to me to be a floating orb it like appears out of fucking nowhere it appears out of thin air and it kind of like glides across the screen and then disappears right in front of my bedroom door starts like at the edge of the balcony and it just like trails into like my bedroom and you can kind of see like the little trail behind it like this like that's a little orb that's like that's not dust that is muddy soot and it's okay you can imagine i just see this live in front of me like on the cameras. i

run into the hallway into danny's office and i'm like you need to rewind the cameras right now because i'm pretty sure i just saw something on the cameras so danny reminds the cameras on my app and then i screen record it and me and danny start examining this video because when i tell him he's like sure you saw something on the cameras. okay? and then when he reminds it and he sees it he's like nah nah, nah that's dust that's dust but i feel like it's too big to be dust it's just like it's too weird to be dust. and so then he starts like zooming in and slowing down the video and immediately. he's like, oh i think you did catch something. i can't believe it

i'm gonna play this video for you and i want you guys to be honest with me because i'm honestly open to anything if it is dust. okay shit it's us good great but i want you guys to look at this with an open mind and just imagine it i'm gonna it's three seconds i mean like the little orb doesn't even pop up for three seconds it's like literally for a second but the video that i'm gonna show you is only three seconds pay attention because it goes by fast so it's it's like in the middle of the screen. okay, let me play it did you catch that, okay. okay, i'm gonna play. oh, yeah okay, so we're gonna dissect this right now

i'm gonna zoom in and i'm gonna show you because i spent all day watching this over and over and over and over and over again zooming in zooming out because i jet i wanted a logical explanation for it, but i can't find one okay. look watch i watch it do you see how it just like comes out of nowhere and then disappears. okay. let's see that again. i'm gonna do that again i'm gonna do it slow just like that. okay it's so crazy to me and you can see it has like the little trail and it just like

disappears right when it goes into my door, i'm gonna rewind it now so you can see it's coming back. do you see the little trail? and look i'm gonna pause right there. it's a perfect circle. it's like just in a pta legit appeared out of nowhere what is that? how do you explain me catching that on camera like within two seconds of me jumping on the cameras like me and annie were talking about this and it's like how many how many of these have we missed? we never sit there and like legit watch the the hallway unless there's like a reason unless we feel we have to and i just opened my camera and within a minute i saw that pop-up and i almost feel like i was meant to see that because

it's i can't believe i caught that ten minutes before i had caught on camera i was telling danny that i heard someone laughing and that i heard footsteps and he was like and it's like, how can you not believe me? if you literally heard somebody playing with the dogs and then i catch this i don't know. it's a i don't do these paranormal videos. so this one was all over the place um, i didn't have any spooky sounds but i don't i don't have anything else to say like, this is my story did i catch maddy's who on camera i catch mice on camera? i don't know, but after that happened the next day i woke up and i became a crazy person sort of researching how to help entities cross over and go where they need to go

so that they are no longer here and i have saged i have talked to her. i told her it's okay. it's time to go home look for the light that's the end of this video and that's pretty much the story about rowdy sue, it's been an ongoing story for the past like two years now. i'm sorry. i made fun of you stephanie sorry, i told you no one whatever say hi in your ear like that sorry, yeah, this is where the story ends. there will never be a part two. i will never become a paranormal channel i will not talk about these things on my channel, so i don't want you guys to get any ideas i am not a winchester. this isn't an episode of ghostfacers. i am ending it here so i actually forgot to mention this in this video, but i've been talking about money soon for quite a while now

this is actually a clip from a video that jesse posted on her channel when we were doing the urban dictionary video and i was talking about mattie sue and this was like february of last year also, ironically i am wearing a supernatural shirt here. well, you know weird thing i just came up with it. what was that? what's up? the screen or our eyes know that what it wouldn't be our eyes if we both sign you figure as it goes do your moves? yeah, matt is who i was only more money - oh, yeah, we know i'm dead serious we got a lot of snow up in this bitch i'd like to think money sue is now

i'm the other on the over there with the light and the peace porter's gonna miss you and your late night walks and the hallway but it's time pray guys that completes this video don't forget to leave me a comment down below letting me know if you think it is entity dust or smoke leave your guesses down below until next time but until next time yes next time no, no that smoke that smoke