cheap dining room sets

cheap dining room sets

hi there just recently i made a video of how easy it is to build a chair with some jigs and templates that i built. and i'm going to do another video of about building chairs except this time i'm going to make them from oak and also the side rails and probably the back and front rails will be umm... ...attached with loose tenons.

so the process is pretty similar except those parts so just to begin... i'm going to put this template on this oak board trace the outlines and then cut the leg parts off. and we'll go from there. after cutting all these leg parts

i can start to choose which ones makes pairs because they all came little bit different compared to each other like the thickness and size overall just little variations there so i choose the ones that are already... ...looks like they are matching quite well like this one these two these are already done so then i just stack them together with clamps

and pick my tool and after that it's just some manual labour. now we can start planing back side of the legs but it proven to be little bit problematic because of the curve it doesn't....the blade doesn't catch anything so what i did is i just move like sideways which is like....kind of breaking my heart because it's easy to get chips out of the edge

so i had to be very careful so umm... so i plane just a little bit here...just to get it even and then i finish it off with a belt sander. and this is the... this kind of shape really requires a compass plane which i don't have obviously so i guess i just have to work with this one. i started marking mortise locations to these front legs

so this is the curved side that is between the back and front legs and they will be matched with these mortises i already routed yesterday for loose tenons and they're going to sit so. i'm about to start routing these mortises in these side rails and i numbered them back one is a... fronts are b and sides are c

and i also marked them to these wood pieces so i will know which goes where and this one is c1 and the other one is c2 so this one is c1 i place it on top of my drawing so i have to first cut this in an angle which is umm... this angle in here and for this chair it is 82 degrees

if you watched my other chair making video you know that i utilized my the jig i built but this time the angle is 1 degree different so i had to make another one. make that i took this angle from here and i cut few pieces of mdf into that angle it should match here....yup

seems perfect and then i will simply attach it into this table and seems i have to move this a notch forward also but anyways...umm... after i cut this in an angle i clamp it in here which allows me to use my router and this template to make perfect mortise. now that i have routed these other end of side rails i can just place it on top of my drawing

and then mark the cut length now i can go ahead and cut it with correct length in an angle so it fits perfectly in here and then route the other mortise on this end as you can see - i did a little bitty test assembly here just to see how well these parts are sitting together and i didn't glue anything yet as i still need to make the lower rail and the crest rails

and the figure between in which i'm going to copy the one i did before as i still have that template after i cut these parts i'm going to do some routing and little bit carving making those oak leaves. if you remember my oak dining table project in legs i did that kind of carving also.

now i'm going to show you guys how i do the oak leave routing on these crest rails so just like before... i copy the drawing with a piece of charcoal paper what i do is i place it on top just eyeball it's in the middle and then it's just quite simple trace...

trace the drawing let's see... there! after sanding all these router bit marks and also i sand these leaves a little bit... ...because last time when i did the table legs i kind of left them looking pretty rough ...all the way from edges...i did use

chisel or gouge or something to do a little round over.... but after a while it didn't look nice anymore and i wanted it to have a bit more curves just like normal leaf would and... i'm not sure how visible that is in umm... through the camera lens...but.. there's a little bit rounding

and more smoothness in these and if you remember what i did in my table basically just go bananas with these kind of tools. and started ...denting the surface like so and later... it's going to look pretty nice pattern in here i will show you guys later how it's going to look after i finish one. to make these oak leaves look little bit more natural

and give some more life to them i decided to carve just a little bit of the surface to make some kind of small details i'm not going to carve too much...just a notch.

so i'm doing this with the same kind of fashion i did with the table legs. i think on that video i went into a bit more detail so check it out if you're interested. while i'm doing this....i'm constantly changing the light source location so... it creates more shadows and i can see better

how much i'm carving off. now i think that's about it really don't wanna do it too much. for the back rest design... i'm using the template i cut for the other chair originally i planned to use it with router to cut the piece off but umm... ...obviously it didn't work quite well and i kind of destroyed the template

so i'm just umm... ...plan to trace these ...drawings on a piece of oak use a saw...just to cut if off oh i will show you later. so now that i chiseled that part off...i can put this metal corner in here and... screw it ....on here

and it's going to be very very strong ...strong support although i still need to change the angle of this because this one is 90 degrees and this one is not. this is always very interesting part when you start putting things together see...there's a lot of things going on at the same time everything in angles so many things have to meet perfectly side rails with the front legs

and also these stretchers but i already done test assembly before this..before gluing anything that should be just umm... let's get it started yesterday i got so excited about my work progress that i totally forgot to bring my camera and take it on film but basically what i did is lots of sanding all over on every surface on these chairs

and then i used dark walnut color wood stain on these chairs and after that i cur this kind of piece of cardboard to kind of umm...see how the seat part will match with the chair design after that i traced it on a piece of pine cut the back side off the place it on top here and trace the lines under the seat and cut it off. now i'm doing the final sanding here

especially these oak leave carvings i'm going to sand more so i can bring out that lighted wood color and therefore it will create little bit more 3d look to finish these chairs i'm using furniture lacquer which i dyed with a drop of wood stain. just to get a little bit more color and also

the reason why i did that is i did use the same method with the table so i'm trying to acquire exactly the same color. so the first layer will be a little bit thicker then i sand it with...maybe around 40 grit paper and give another coat and then i will see if it's umm... if i need to lacquer one more time.