country dining room ideas

country dining room ideas

french home dã©cor inspiration to create stylishinterior parisian is known for their stylish live stylesince everything around them is always stylish and trendy including their french home dã©cor. everything that they did is always right fromtheir fashion style to their home interior design. sometimes we think it is very difficult totry and do what the parisian did, but actually if you know the secret to do such style insideyour house, then it is actually not very difficult to do. let us learn a few tips and trick which youcould easily apply to your house to achieve

this kind of style inside your house. tips in creating french home dã©cor for yourhouse interior design 5.upholstered. parisian love comfort that is why they use a lot of upholstered items inside their house. of course you also want to add some comfortto your own house, which is why you must choose upholstered french house dã©cor items wheneverpossible. try to use big french chesterfield sofa foryour living room and add upholstered headboard to your bedroom.

with those items you will feel more comfortand it also able to add more luxury appearance for your house. 4. gold and bronze. to add the luxury of french house dã©cor into your house you need to insert several elementswith gold and bronze. of course you do not need to add real goldpaint to your house but you can try to add detail of gold into the furniture. antique furniture usually has some gold andbronze finishing so you might want to use that inside your interior.

but if you want something simple, just addbronze hardware to your old furniture. with the addition of small gold and bronzedetail into your interior design you will make it more luxurious. piece we all know that parisian appreciate art a lot, that is why you must also induce artinside your house when you want to use this theme. by adding art to your french home dã©cor design,it would become fun element which could balance out all of those serious feeling that theantique pieces brings into your house.

and we all know that adding a few pieces orart inside a house will really complete the house design. you can try to use abstract pieces, blackand white photograph, rough sketches or even your children drawing. 2.antique french furniture to insert the real french feeling inside your interior design you must use some antiquefrench furniture inside your house. try to visit your local antique store whichmay have several french home dã©cor items from aristocratic era.

of course it might not be easy to find thereal authentic antique french furniture so you can also use new furniture which inspiredby the real antique french piece. you do not need to use french furniture forall of your furniture since you only need to put some as your house accent. that is why you can still mix and match yourmodern furniture with them if necessary. 1. neutral color parisian always thinks simplicity as the key for everything stylish and that is includethe interior design that they use inside their house.

to keep the interior simple they use neutralcolors when they design it. that is why when you want to use french homedã©cor for your house then you must keep your color scheme simple by using several neutralcolors. you can also use complementary colors by choosingit with the help of color wheel. with this simple color pallet that you use,it will make your house balance so it will be able to keep you calm by the comfort. tips in creating french theme decoration foryour house interior when you use french theme for your house interiorthe key is to mix and match everything. since you do not want your interior to appearold but still you want to keep the luxury

of old interior design, you need to mixand match old and new items together. you can use a lot of modern items but tryto insert several old items in your design as the accent of your french house dã©corroom. art is another thing that you need to payattention as parisian also appreciates art a lot, that is why you need to insert severalart pieces in your house decoration. as accent you can also use several uniqueitems which you find on the flea market. you should not need to worry since those kindsof items can also be considered as art pieces. as long as you know how to present the fleamarket items in an artistic way, then you will be able to make the piece appear morevaluable than the real cost which you pay

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