crate and barrel dining room chairs

crate and barrel dining room chairs

one of our favorite things to do during the holidays is host a festive dinner party and this year we have some tips to make your table extra glamorous first and foremost we have this table runner it has instant visual interest it's black and white, there's movement happening it's this kind of tuxedo effect with the high contrast it sets the stage alright plates

we think it's really important to go with your plates first when you're building a table setting that is going to show exactly where the placement for everything else will be we love these for the holidays cause they're not your traditional green they've got a little bit of blue to them it keeps it from looking kind of bright and cheesy it's a little bit sophisticated next

bowls and again with these you know it's like you don't have to do red and green if you're gonna do color at the holidays using tertiary versions of bright green and red like pink and blue green for example still feels festive but it's unique and can be used year-long what next? let's do our stemware and these just have a hint of pink to them

which plays really really well with these awesome little bowls it's already coming together next are our tumblers we're placing our tumblers just to the right of our wine glasses these glasses from west elm come in four different gold patterns but we decided to only use the pinstripe and the triangle pattern because we thought it was glamorous and sophisticated here we have our lovely

art deco folded napkins they are perfect for this setting basically start with your napkin folded into a square shape take one flap fold it up and repeat so you get this pattern leaving about an inch to a half-inch flip it over and then you just

fold up to create a point on the back match it on both sides and there you have it fancy looking art deco napkin we're placing them on the left side it's the traditional location you can also place your napkin underneath the bowl on your plate next step is flatware

you just don't think that you can overdo it with gold especially not during the holidays i mean it's kind of the color of the season when setting the table you'll want your first course flatware on the outside so that your guests can work their way in as the courses arrive we're aiming for the bottom of each stem to be lined up as if there was a ruler

going all along the bottom of the table every table needs a centerpiece and to make a big impact we are using our gorgeous brass candlestick holders once you have them arranged then it's time to put in the candlesticks we love black something about white candlesticks looks dated black makes it look really modern and fresh

lastly we're gonna add our glittery little place cards and we have our guests' initials on them so it should be a cinch to see where they sit all you have to do is spray them with spray adhesive next step a healthy holiday serving of glitter stick a self-adhesive letter of the first initial of each guest they give the table a personalized touch and there you have it! now all this table needs is our guests happy holidays!