custom made dining room tables

custom made dining room tables

it's a walnut flat pack. hahaha it is a walnut flat pack! it's a live edge flat pack. you might not be familiar with them they'revery rare. we built them this week. hey guys we're evan and katelyn. and i'm johnny brooke from crafted workshop. and this week we've been in johnny's shopmaking these really cool slab and cnc projects. johnny made a pair of side tables and onehas wireless charging, which is super cool

so you should definitely check out his video. and we tried to hit as many key words withthis project as possible: walnut coffee table with a live edge slab, it's mid century modern,it's cnc, it can flat pack. we actually made this all on the x-carve sothat we could take it apart, flat pack it, and send it back to our house, which i betyou didn't expect that. so ok let's do it! time to get some wood. we wanted to make cnc furniture that didn'tlook like cnc, so step 1 was buying our first slab.

why did we pick such a big project to do? why aren't we doing like a stool? i know like an end table! you're definitely ambitious going coffee table. maybe we should switch to like- no! it's gonna be great. the pro tip advice was to get two smallerwalnut slabs and join them because it'd be easier to process than one big slab. let's do it.

awesome. cool. then we got more walnut to cnc the legs outof. once we had the lumber, we updated the designin fusion. this might seem backwards, but we didn't knowthe exact size slab we'd get. thankfully the model is parametric so thedesign and cam toolpaths scale automatically. ps we have a video that goes more into camand plans for this table, both linked below. we took things back to process, starting withcutting the walnut down to more manageable lengths.

i should mention that we relied heavily onjohnny's woodworking knowledge and if you're into wood you should definitely check outhis channel, it's awesome. katelyn! once the lumber was cleaned up, it was timeto put the x-carve to work. ok so- oh wait, you're missing- ok so rightnow- ah dang it. this is our first piece of wood that we'recutting into, we're super nervous because we did one test and it didn't go well- itdidn't go well! so we're just going to the final thing! so we're gonna cut one leg.

woo! beautiful! that's nice. just run 'em all now. so easy. oopsy, sorry. next it was time to process the slabs. what are we doing first? so i think we're just gonna plane it downa little bit so that way it's not too thick

for the track saw, so that way we can ripa straight edge and join them together. ok cool. which edges do you think we should use. we chose which edges to cut off and whichto join together, arranging them so that the curve of the grain matched up. these are so nice! i can't believe they're ours! we made them a little shorter to fit the lengthof the track saw. katelyn we need one!

that looks so cool! at this point it would have been too wideto ship in the box that we had so we took off a bit more on the table saw. one slab was a little warpy so next step wasadding dominoes to keep them aligned, and we were very excited about this part. wow! ahh! yeah! dominoes!

this is amazing! ok, maybe this was our reaction to lots ofjohnny's tools. can you stand in there so i make sure i'mnot cutting your head off. definitely cutting your head off. alright. ahhh! i had one job! yes. you're a very delicate glue spreader.

i knowww. the swirl. the johnny swirl? johnny swirl. look at me being messy. good to go! alrighty you got one. there you go, there you go. persuade it.

while we wait for the glue to dry, we wantedto say thank you to our patreon supporters. you guys allow us to do things like collaborationsand we're super grateful. if you wanna help us make more videos andsee patreon exclusive videos like the full 30 minute rough cut of this project and allof our aftershows, go to patreon dot com slash evan and katelyn. thanks! intermission. i'm just gonna like- so beautiful. ooo it's nice.

alright what do we do next? next we added epoxy to the cracks. but first we put some foil tape on the undersideso that it didn't bleed through. i like how we're all like... silent. respect the pour. we used a torch to help bring bubbles to thesurface and pop them. plus it was just fun. haha i love that noise. so these slabs are like super thirsty.

we waited half an hour and it's like we didn'teven pour epoxy, so. this is really cool. our first slab thing. it's a right of passage. i feel like a proud parent. we love you no matter what. no matter how much epoxy you eat. we used card scrapers to remove excess epoxyso we didn't gum up johnny's drum sander. we got some shallow cracks with wood filler.

and then cut our slab to the final length. did you cut through a cookie? yep. bench cookie down! nooooo! then we worked on our leg pieces. after cutting these we realized that we shouldhave set our direction to conventional milling instead of climb milling, which is what youshould use with wood on a non industrial sized

cnc. if you wanna learn more about toolpaths, checkout the fusion 360 cam video we mentioned earlier. yeah, i can see why with the x-carve, withfusion... because of the aforementioned climb cuttingwe did on our legs, we had to finesse them even more to get them to fit. are you ready for this jelly? that's what we're doing. i had a plan it was just wrong.

probably the most complicated glue up we'vedone. lot of love put into these legs. ah look at that! oh yeah i don't know. i don't know what i was doing. i think this one's good too now. so this goes here, i don't know what i'm doing,if you're asking. just isn't a good place to clamp, how didwe do the other side? what is life?

sorry. it's just gonna be us bumbling in the backgroundof your video johnny. we are not doing well. i shouldn't be laughing. so many angles. ok that looks good. i feel like you made it worse. oh you're right! these are gonna be slightly gappy.

we'll just fill everything with wood glue. that, that, seems ok. i heard you. i heard you struggling. oh that's weird yeah. that's real weird. i was like nyahhh just don't use the stuffthat settles at the bottom. oh my gosh. like an 8th of an inch too wide.

this maybe with a hand plane. you'll be amazed. this will go quick. if this is totally dry tomorrow morning, thenwe can get right to all of this stuff. alright just don't show too much of them. they're not in their final form yet! you wanna put a lot of weight on the frontand then halfway through transfer your weight to the back and then just push through. there you go yeah.

full speed! this is my full speed. in the end we thought it was really cool thatwe used a cnc, power tools, and hand tools for this one project. flush. flush! we'll start, just flush these up totally,flip them, and then do these. then we added a chamfer to the legs. partly to be fancy, partly to disguise someof our mistakes.

most janky! jankiest jank, the jank of the jank. we're attaching the legs to slab with mortiseand tenons. so we trace the top of each leg to get theirmeasurements and the distance between them. we used these measurements to cnc a template. we'll use this and a plunge router to makethe actual mortises in the slab. test fit! see if our template works! sweet.

that makes me happy. yeah that's awesome. tip when applying finish is to use as smallof a piece of paper towel or rag as possible, because any finish that ends up soaked intoyour rag is trash. and we're using your finish so- haha yeahwe're using finish that i'm paying for! thanks johnny. haha look at these. that is form fitted right there. katelyn's got really wrinkly hands.

whoa! so pretty. good thing we have my wrinkly gloves rightin front of the camera. yeah lets swap. careful around here because it's uh, yeahit'll catch the rag. this is really fun. we should get this finish. wipe on poly is about as fool proof and easyas possible, i love it. this is some really absorbent wood actually.

i think it's a little bit, a little bit funky. so for the bark, there's some that kind oflike is wrapping around, what do you do with that? i would just soak it in kinda like this. kinda like dab it? yeah. dab. i'll go this way yep. wait don't ah!

sponsored by tool city. the roomiest gloves around. do you like your gloves roomy? do your hands get so sweaty? tool city. dab it on. ok. everything that can have a big slab, shouldhave a big slab. man this looks awesome.

so dang pretty. next we cut the stretcher down to size. we waited til now so that we could cut itto fit the space in the legs. that's awesome! oh careful! houston we got a bench! i mean uh uh coffee table! since it fit we went ahead and added chamfersto this too, making sure like we did with the legs not to add chamfers to the tenonsbecause then they wouldn't fit properly and

we would be sad. i'm gonna start cooking. ok we'll be there soon. same thing as yesterday? i'm down. this is a good part of the day. we're finishing the legs. johnny's about to make tacos. that looks good.

that looks really good. we centered the legs on the slab and tracedthem so we knew where to put the mortise template we made earlier. so one of these will fit one of them. let's shift it over a tiny bit. you wanna go clockwise because we're on theinside of a pocket. you need to get a closeup of this. this is wonderful! that is ridiculous!

it's perfect! holy moly! nice! that's amaze- moment of truth, take 12. oh my gosh! alright so which one have we done alreadycuz let's not do that one again. this one. main thing, keep it flat on the base. you'll lower the bit.

move it around clockwise. along the edges. let it up, straight up. and then turn it off. ok! i'll be coaching ya! wooo! two plunges, that's it, pop it up, shazam,shazam's the name of the game. yep that's a saying.

that's what they say. new catch phrase. new t-shirts. shazam's the name of the game. this is it, this is what it all comes downto. logically everything should work. katelyn do you wanna do one side? oh yes. oh yeah.

oh yes! money in the bank! that's nice! oh man. little jealous. ahhh it looks so good! wait can we do like a goooooo woodworking! that looks super good. it looks awesome!

that's great y'all. what should we name it? slabby! i was calling it slabby earlier. done and done! done. so... clean up and final shots? yeah pretty much. yeah let's do it.

i'm so nervous to ship this i don't want itto get messed up. please be careful with this. postal people. this is all gonna be time lapsed i think. yes! we've done it! yeah it feels, it feels right. it feels right. ok so.

outro! hope you guys like this video. we are excited to try, well excited and nervousto try to disassemble this and actually flat pack delivery it to our house, so that's gonnabe interesting. definitely check out johnny's video, he didanother cnc and slab project, it's a pair of end tables with charging built in whichis super cool. and we have learned so much in our 4 dayshere. we've learned more about woodworking thanwe knew before we came here. so you should- yeah it was a lot of fun- youshould definitely check out his channel for

a whole bunch of knowledge. all the learnings. and stick around cuz we're gonna record ouraftershow and we're gonna make johnny do it with us. patreon! so go to patreon dot com slash evan and katelynto check out the aftershow and subscribe to both of our channels if you haven't alreadycuz you know we would appreciate it and you'd be awesome and we would feel awesome and everyonewins. yeah, all those things.

see you next time, bye! i'm nervous. the box feels pretty good although it feelslike... puffy? ok, that's the stretcher. i guess that works pretty, pretty well. oooo! legs look ok! ah! that makes me happy!

it made it! we should check the legs. couple, couple little dings. oooo yeah. not terrible though. this is like a really nerve-racking christmas. nice. this one is good. should we try it?

try assembling? let's do it! yay! uh do i put my hands here or not? this intro's a disaster. how can i do this without blocking the camera? ha! oooo. here can i- oh, ok!

that looks so bad. smoothly and slowly nod. oh gosh! y'all are so cute! katelyn we need one of these too! beefy! would you- wood i. get some momentum going. yeah cuz like if you do it slow- yeah it'snot gonna go.

it's like the mandolin. like when we're slicing potatoes. i thought you meant the instrument. if you play it slow it sucks. ever heard a slow mandolin before? terrible! you guys are messing me up!