dining room area rugs ideas

dining room area rugs ideas

hi thanks for stopping by our youtube channel today have you been thinking about getting that designer look in your home by layering greg's well this is the video for you and stay tuned to the end because we're gonna give you five tips will take a lot of the guesswork out the process when it comes to layering legs so we'll see you in a bit

hi my name is matt and this is my wife heather and were the perspective design we hope to inspire you to sell a home you like the items have a history to help create your eating story recently pricing we remodeled our kitchen you've seen that video the farmhouse video have a link that right of course you can check it out but we got the dining room

we thought we need to add a rug under our table which led to layering rugs we're going to talk to you about this video is going to talk to you about reasons why you might want a layer rogues you might be thinking why would you ever want to back your ex well the reason we did it is because it really our house is open so it really defines

the fake like hey this is the dimer we were able to add color with it and it really provided a texture that we didn't have over the tiles and then we even save money in the process now believe it or not you can save money by larry roads ok first of all when you are wanting to get your ex you want to know what size you need

and so you're going to get your tape measure and measure it out then you can put masking tape on the corners so that you can really visualize the size you need in your space so then you want to make sure that your table or your chairs in your sofa or bed whatever fits entirely on the rug for us since we're doing it doing it in our dining room we want our

table to fit on there and our chair so that when you sit at the table you are half on the rug and half off the rug now that you have the size of your rug figured out it's on to choosing your base rug to take a lot of the guesswork out of the base rug you can choose a natural fiber rug like a sisal or jute rug by choosing a more neutral base allows

you to go a little bit more bold for another pattern on top so when i mentioned earlier about saving money by stacking rugs the jute or sisal rugs are relatively pretty cheap for the size of rug you can get. so by save a little bit of money on the larger base rug you can spend a little bit more money on your top rug it as a really cool vintage

rug or kiln rug something you like you can afford to buy maybe a little smaller rug is your top rug because you're gonna put it on top of the bigger rug so overall you still can get that big impact we're your saving money by buying a small rug. also don't choose to high pile on your rug. if you have it too thick as your base rug you put your top one on it it's going to be

like in swallowing it up with some ideas to keep in mind when you're choosing your base road when you're selecting your top rug you can definitely have a lot more fun with it you can interject a really bright color or bold pattern you can use the cowhide on top or even like a fury fluffy sheep skin so you can really play around have a lot of fun

with that top rug. also, you want to make sure you are top rug is appropriately smaller than your bottom rug you want to have 10 to 12 inches around on the edge so it looks like a border that it was intentional and not just a mistake on the cowhides and the sheepskin that doesn't necessarily apply because they're different shape, alright,

now onto what we chose we chose our base rug was an eight-by-ten jute rug and it's on amazon we put the links in the description below as you can head on over and take a look the top rug is approximately is approximately a six by nine and it's a kind of a distress print pattern it has some lighter tones but we wanted it also have

some darker tones which kind of blend in with some of the darker tones we have downstairs so kind of makes the room feel more cohesive like i said just those links to those rugs are down the description of the prices and all information for you ok onto those five tips / suggestions that will make your layering rug process

go a lot easier but before that if you want to see what we do during the rest of the week we're not layering rugs head on over and follow us on instagram we have a lot of fun behind-the-scenes stuff for you. alright tip number one it to make sure you pick an appropriate size base rug for your space

tip number two is to start with a natural fiber jute or sisal rug as your foundation rog. tip number three make sure your top rug is appropriately sized to leaving at ten to 12 inch border around so it looks intentional. tip number four is choose the proper piled high if it's a rug beside your bed you can go with the really thick

sheepskin rug something like that but that's under your dining room table you better expect it to be full of food. and our last and final tip it tip number five make sure you choose colors that are cohesive and with your space. alright, well we hope you enjoyed this video if you liked it please give it a

thumbs up if you liked our content head over and subscribe to our youtube channel we thank you guys for watching the video and appreciate your following us and we will see you on the next video