Homeowners Insurance: Coverage for your home

Home insurance covers your home from any named disaster. However, there are certain exceptions to what is covered by home insurance. Find out how you can protect your home from damages caused by an accident and what extra measure you have to take to cover it for disaster outside what is named in the policy.

Home Insurance provides protection for your most precious possession your home. It protects your home from any damages due to any disaster. A standard home owners policy covers the following:

Structure of your home: This part of the policy protects your home from damages caused by fire, hail, lightning or any other listed disaster. You will usually find 100% protection if these perils cause you to repair or rebuild your house. It also usually covers structures like garage, gazebo or a tool shed.

Personal Possessions: Home furniture, clothes, sports equipments and other personal items, if stolen or destroyed by fire, hurricane or any other listed disaster, will be covered. Personal belongings are usually covered for 50%-60% of the total value. So create a home inventory as soon as possible.

An added advantage of this policy is that it provides coverage for loss or damage of personal property anywhere in the world. However, some companies do have restrictions on protection off-premises and may provide coverage only up to 10% of the total value. Expensive jewelry, furs, silverware may also be covered against loss. But for theft there may be a dollar limit. A floater or purchasing special personal property endorsement may help you get full value for such items.

Insurance companies usually provide 5% coverage for trees, plants and shrubs on the total value of the house. In this context you will get coverage for theft, vandalism, explosion or a falling aircraft. Damage by wind or a disease is not covered.

Liability: Liability insurance protects for any damage caused to your neighbors or any third party by you, your family members or any of your pets. In addition, it also provides the cost of defending you in court. You will be covered no matter wherever in the world you are.

Additional living expenditure: This pays for expenses like hotel bills, restaurant bills and other related cost of living. Such a policy provides coverage if your home is damaged due to fire, storm or any other listed disaster and has caused you to temporarily stay away from home. You may usually find 20% coverage of the total value of the insurance on your house which may be increased with an added premium. Landlords who have partially let their house may also find coverage for the rent they were otherwise supposed to receive from the tenants.

If you want that you should get protection for any damage that happens to your home, getting home insurance is a sensible idea. You must have decorated your home with many of your loved paintings and artifacts. If any damage occurs to them, you would really be disappointed but wouldnt you love to be reimbursed for the damage? Home insurance will provide protection for any listed damage. So, if you want to protect your home get home insurance.