Some Simple Tips To Simplify The Design Of A Website

California Web Design offers helpful tips to website designers to successfully design functional and navigable websites. A simple and well-organized website ensure better conversion rates for the business.

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Very often, websitesrecord a high bounce rate because visitors find it very difficult tocomprehend the basic aim of the business, and fail to successfullynavigate through the subject matter and reach a conclusive end. Inaddition to the page content, logo, title, call-to-action, andnavigation menus, most websites are overloaded with social mediawidgets, advertisements, and sometimes, even deceptive links tosupposedly helpful and authentic content. In this article, I willtalk of six ways in which domain owners can organize their disarrayedwebsites, and facilitate smooth user experience.

Reduce All UnnecessaryEmbellishments

Visitors judge a websiteby its initial appearance. Excessive advertisements, banners, links,pop-ups and social media widgets are often unwelcome sources ofdistraction, and their presence on a web page can have an adverseinfluence on the visitor. Constant advertisements can distract thevisitor, as he/she may click on a given link to check out another setof product, or they may completely confuse and dissuade the user, asa result of which he/she will leave the website due to the lack ofrelevant information. Either way, too many distractions can result ina website having an extremely bounce rate.

Allow Visitors To ReadAnd Engage With The Text

Websites having astructured text narrative are always received well by inboundInternet traffic, as such pages provide visitors and customers withrelevant information about the products and services. Although a lotof businesses think that crowding a web page with as many links aspossible makes perfect statistical sense, it is nothing but afallacious misconception. Often, it is seen that websites which enjoyheavy inbound traffic have multiple links that either lead visitorsto further information about the product, or lead them to acompletely different domain via a paid advertisement. Both thesituations are beneficial for the business owner, but may leave thevisitor feeling rather disoriented. Hence it best to have a cleartext structure that provides definite information, rather thancluttering a page with multiple links that might confuse and dissuadethe visitor.

The Impetus Should BeOn Relevant Information And Quality

A website is successfulwhen it has a high conversion rate, and this can be achieved byproviding users and visitors with all the relevant informationrelated to the product so that they can make informed decisions.Therefore, domain owners must pay special attention to the content,and ensure that it is authentic, well-researched, and well-organized,so that visitors are not left with any confusing ideas. Moreover, itis also a good idea to advertise images of the products, as thismethod is effective for gaining the trust of the consumers. Thelayout of the page should be carefully chalked out to give themaximum mileage to the business, rather than cluttering it withadvertisements and creating confusion.

A Web Page ShouldFocus On Capturing The Attention Of The Audience

Websites of successfulcompanies and media houses can afford to air advertisements. While inthe first case, the brand name is already established, in the secondcase, visitors mainly pass by reading the headlines and snippets.However, in the case of small and local businesses, it is importantthat websites are attractively designed, and relevant information andimages are used to attract the visitor and keep them on the site.

Successful OnlineBusiness And Effective Website Design Are Not Mutually ExclusiveFactors

Well-organized websitesthat have clear navigation signs and are functional have much betterconversion rates compared to others that are in disarray. Therefore,it can be concluded that the success of an e-commerce website islargely dependent on the structural layout of the web page. The twofactors are not mutually exclusive and the latter influences theformer to a large extent.

A simple, yet functionalwebsite goes a long way in influencing the conversion rates of awebsite. Therefore, it is best to ensure that the layout is tidy andcoherent to facilitate positive user experience.

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