dining room area rugs

dining room area rugs

how important is the size of your rug?super important. area rugs are designers' dream decor accessory for severalreasons - they add comfort, texture, color pattern, and most importantly, they defineyour space. even if you have the best color in your rug or the best pattern inyour rug it all falls by the wayside if you don't have the right size of rug. area rugs define your space. in a living room, the rug defines the main seatingarea and gives that furniture arrangement a sense of place andpermanenc. a rug that's too small will look like it's floating and you losethat sense of place. i've got some guidelines here to help you make theright decision. the first is to size the

rug according to the room. this means youwould deduct 3 feet from the overall length and width of the room leaving anideal 1 and 1/2 feet of floor space all around the rug. however this might meanyou'll need a custom size rug! alternatively, you can determine the rugsize by measuring the area beneath your main seating area. so here we have atypical layout for a living room and something that i see often is a smallrug, maybe a 5 by 7, sitting in front of the sofa like so. none of the furnituresits on top of the rug in this case. the distance between the rug and the wall isalso quite large. all of this makes the rug feel like it's floating in thecenter of the room. similar to this image.

the rug just isn't connected to theseating or the room. if we use a larger rug, perhaps an 8 by 10, you'll noticethat most of the furniture touches the area rug. this is an important guideline!when the furniture, even just the front legs of the furniture, sits on the arearug there's a visual connection from the furniture to the rug and vice versa. plusthe size of the rug is now larger so it sits more comfortably in the roomoverall so this is a much better layout because the main seating area is nowdefined by the rug. here's a great example of having a rug that defines theroom because the seating area is connected to the rug. if you have an evenlarger living room where your seating is

away from the walls then i wouldrecommend having all the furniture sit comfortably on the rug. this is much morepleasing to the eye because it further connects the rug to the furniture andthe rug to the room as well. you can see in this image thearea rug contains all of the furniture in this living room. this is especiallyimportant when you have an open-concept space where you might have a dining roomnearby. by placing your furniture completely on an area rug you create avisual boundary and define your living room seating arrangement. so here's yourtake away: in a living room, the rug defines the main seating area and givesthat furniture arrangement a sense of

place and permanence. either all or atleast the front legs of the furniture should be sitting on the area rug. thiswill clearly define your seating area and it's the foundation for a greatliving room. thanks for watching this little design tip. i'll have lots moredesign tips just like this one coming soon so don't forget to subscribe!i've got new videos every week. and leave a comment! i love hearing from you alland if you like this video please hit the like button! see you soon!