dining room mirrors

dining room mirrors

hello everyone, it's safrina from fengshui and prosper and sorry i know i am about five minutes late with mylivestream, i had a little bit of a technical difficulty but hopefully youguys can hear me you can see me okay. if you're watching, let me know who'swatching. i know i had about 13 people ready to go and i went live earlier justa few minutes ago. hello tracy and who's watching me on oops - are you guys seeing me on facebook onyoutube hold on, okay perfect. so we are live both onfacebook and on youtube so if you see me darting my eyes, that's part of thereason and i'm trying out a new set up

here because i don't want it to just goon youtube and abandon my facebook followers and vice versa so that's whyi'm trying to go live in both places. so today, we have a very interestingquestion that came up from one of my feng shui 2018 participants. now justa quick plug before i go into the q&a is if you have not registered for my fengshui 2018 annual event now the live events are all done but you can stillregister and get all 11 plus hours of recording. the main event itself is 4hours where i handhold you guide you through how to prosperify your homefor the year of the dog. and to be honest even though the new year doesn't happenin like in january, i think

february 16th, it's actually chinese new year,the energy of 2018 is actually already starting to take hold. if you guys have adoor in the north corner, you know what i'm talking about. or if you guys have adoor in the east corner and you have not put your remedy for 2018, you know thenew year energy is already starting for you guys. so this is not something toplay around with if you want to make sure that next year is you're on anup level rather than being stuck where you are or even backsliding right, then ihope you join me by registering and getting all my video recordings. againthe address, if someone can type out either on youtube or on facebook, it's www.fengshui2018.com. now i have a beautiful

community on facebook which is part ofanyone who registers can join me as a bonus on a vip inner circleand i'm getting really really amazing questions coming from many of them. andthis is one in terms of mirror usage - hey emily marie on youtube - it's with regardsto how to use mirrors for feng shui purposes now i'm going tobreak some myths about mirrors so either this is going to get you very relievedor this is going to make you a little bit upset because a few of these aresuper myths that has just been regurgitated and regurgitated andregurgitated over and over and over again honestly. i don't even know whereit starts so first things first is - the

idea that mirrors are a water element,actually going to take a quick sip here, the idea that mirror is a water element.now i can't really fathom how that comes to play because even because a lot of the feng shui principles come from how things were in the olden days,right. and even if you think about you know, hundreds of years ago when therewere no mirrors you know okay well if you want to think about like the cavemenera or you know whatever before technology happens the first mirror iguess you can arguably say that the first mirror was the your reflection inthe river or on the lake right on a water surface. i guess, maybe that's whymirror equals water element comes from

but really once people started knowingabout chemistry and things like that and you know manufacturing and productionsand all that mirrors really are metal, you know. a flat metal surface where it'sreflective or even nowadays it's glass but there's a little bit of a metalelement there so that it reflects better. so the idea, the super myth that mirrorsif you have a space in your home that needs more water therefore you put moremirror in there, that is not something that the grand master is talked about at all. sothat's super myth number one. i know there are questions coming in so i'mgonna try to go through them in a bit so just hang tight. super myth number two isthe usage of the bagua mirror, now you

have to be really really careful withthis. in my feng shui lineage, the lineage of the tan yangu school of feng shui, ihave not heard in any of our textbook talking about the bagua mirror okay.and in fact, i have a few private consultations as well as peoplewho email sometimes with questions who already have the bagua mirror abovetheir door, my question to them is has it gotten worse since you put the mirror in?and they said most of the time four out of five, i would say they said itactually did get worse once the mirror was put up. now the whole thing the idea,that's perfect perpetuated with regards to the bagua mirror is that if youhave a poison arrow or if you have, i

don't know like bad neighbors orwhatever and so if you put the mirror at your front door then it's gonna reflectthe energy back to you. but guess what, if you have a poison arrow - let's say if youhave a big tree and this is actually what happened in one of my sorry i havesomething in my eyes - this is actually what happened in aprivate consult, is that the moment me and my master got there there was a hugetree right in front of the door and there was a bagua mirror - guess what it doubled the tree. so that's not good. immediately we asked her totake it down and so we do not use the bagua mirror, at all. if you guys don't knowwhat the pop-up mirror is, it's basically

like the octagonal frame with a roundmirror in the circle and usually it's what's the word convex. yeah - do not, donot ever use that okay. what are the other common mirror myths, okay. never so interms of, if you want to place mirrors in your space what do you do? my guidelinereally is what does the mirror reflect? you don't want the mirror to reflect outyour door. you don't want the so be careful when placing mirrors in yourentrance. you can put it by the side but you don't want where you come in and youimmediately see yourself in the mirror that's what you don't want, okay? so nomirrors reflecting out the door no mirrors reflecting the stove okay? it canreflect other part of the kitchen but do

not reflect the stove. as much as even ifyour stove is fengshui'd and is prosperous okay. because you don't wanttoo much fire. you don't want too yang of an energy. in feng shui placements andeven in our chinese astrology, we actually want elements to be as balancedas possible. which is a little bit of a segue but when you talk about the fiveelement theory - why do we use the weakening cycle to remedy an elementinstead of the destructive cycle? it's the destructive cycle is too strong. you justwant to weaken, it not necessarily destroy it okay. evenit is a negative energy, you just want to kind of balance it, neutralize it. theother mirror feng shui myth, okay so

don't have mirrors reflecting the stove,don't have mirrors reflecting the toilet bowl and i don't mean the mirror in thebathroom that is obviously fine i'm talking about mirrors that are outsideof the bathroom. for instance if you have the bathroom door open and there's amirror outside and it happens to reflect the toilet bowl,that's another no no. i would take that away. and obviously no mirror reflectingthe bed. this one is really common and i have to say it's not a super myth. we dowant to follow that. you don't want your mirror to be reflecting your bed. it'sjust not good for a restful sleep. and it's generally not good forrelationships as well okay got it?

so let me look at questions - you guysover at youtube. i think i can see your comments as well, so feel free to comment.and hello danielle oh you caught me on youtube okay okay? so no questions who's got questions about mirror? i thought i gave you guys aheads up on facebook anyway oh i'm surprised i'm actually here prepared tojust answer questions about mirrors and feng shui but i hope that makes senseyou know in terms of what do you not want to a wonder the question that wasin the bonus webinar for 2018: is using the mirror to reflect a positivedirection? that's not really hey hi - it's not really -

we don't really use some mirror for thatpurposes okay we don't use that to double up a good direction or to doubleup a good energy let's say a good 81 flying star energy. how do you double itup really is with other placements and with usage, right? let's see questions,questions okay oh now - i've got questions, okay perfect. so can canarys asking aremirrors okay they're facing the north for 2018? facing the north yeah - that isfine.it's not like doubling up the energy of the north.again you look at what the mirror is reflecting in terms of physical stuffokay?iis it is it reflecting clutter? is it reflecting a poison arrow? is itreflecting other not nice things? i'm

saying my words here - i'm sorry.and fanny is asking what about a mirror facing another mirror? that's actually agood question. i haven't seen this a lot but it's very similar as doors facingeach other, the energy is very what's the word not combative, they're like opposingright. so i wouldn't have mirrors facing each other. i would have them staggered.another thing too, it is very maybe, it's just my own personal preference but ijust feel like energetically it's not good. there are certain styles of mirrorwhere it's like a sunburst so you get like little pieces of mirror all overthe place so when you're looking at the mirror you're kind of - it's not reallyfeng shui, you have to say but you're kind

of disjointed, i guessis the word right. i don't like those either. if you want to use a mirror - usethe ones that are a nice one piece, okay. oh hello nellie, so glad to see youcatching me live. and marilla is asking mirror in the dining room reflecting abig clock? that is fine, that is fine. especially if so the big clock marillaactually i'm trying to remember the big clock in your dining room because we dida private consult. if the big clock is there to activate the positive energy,and you happen to have a mirror to reflect that i guess in a sense thatmeans you have two mirrors to activate the positive energy. but then you have towatch out: in the months where the number

five and i would even say the numberseven goes into that space and you guys who follow my feng shui 2018,you have my calendar make use of my new year calendar so that you can keep trackof the monthly changes right. so if you're using the mirror to doublereflect, let's say lighting or a moving object right? you have to be reallycareful that - in a month, that it's afflicted i would say number five andnumber seven - take them away for the month. and when the monthly energy isdone, you put that back in again if you have not joined me in feng shui 2018which is my annual online event, i've got i think about eleven, twelve hoursworth of videos and webinars and q&a

recorded - you can go to fengshui2018.com and grab your registration and you get immediate access to all therecordings and get your house what i call prosperify 2018.just a quick midsection advertising there okay. questions, questions - linda asks is it good feng shui to have mirror in the bedroom?yes but not reflecting the bed right? so you have to be creative. actually, ijust went through this with a client last week in a private consult, you haveto be creative in terms of where you put the mirror. if you really need a mirrorin the room then fine just make sure it doesn't reflect the bed.

jeanne says so what do i do with amirror reflecting on my bed since my cabinet lighting reflects my bedunfortunately my bed friend is fixed always my cabinet? then cover the mirror.years ago before i met my husband and some of you know my husband is myfeng shui husband. i did my feng shui and then two months later i met him.so i was renting a little room up you know north, a little north of toronto iwas still in university, and it was a really tight quarter so i couldn't movemy bed. and the same thing, my closet is like sliding doors and it'sfloor-to-ceiling mirrors. what i did was i went to the fabric store andpretty much got long curtains to cover

it so when i in the morning when i'mchanging. i have the mirror up but the rest of the day when i'm done doing myhair makeup, changing i have a fabric down so that's what i did. canaries always it good to place amirror facing safe or cash safe? i guess there's that thought of doubling themoney if you really want to - then go for it okay? thank you for that tracie , awesome. so now i'm going to go on youtube andsee what the questions are there. danielle okay yeah i took the bagua downabout two weeks ago - amazing. i am so proud of my peeps who join me infeng shui 2018 to really see the

questions asked, initially being verybasic and then now i see the trajectory of their questions starting to get alittle bit more intermediate and yesterday i told one of theparticipants i'm like i'm such a proud feng shui mama because now when likesomeone wants to buy lighting and they know okay this is bad lighting becausethere's a lot of poison arrow or in terms of elements and stuff like that.it's really, really amazing to see everyone's progress to finally doproper feng shui for your home. okay so marlene asked how about mirroras a tool for a plate for money corner? tool for a plate for money corner, youcan do it and i actually have so again

in terms of using mirrors to double upthe physical stuff, the structure is the things right. i don't have it right nowbut i used to have a crystal grid. what's a crystal grid? it really iscrystals with specific patterns right to activate certain manifesting propertiesand i put the crystal grid on a mirror so that the mirror doubles up mycrystals so that's fine. it's i guess, it would be similar in terms of what youwould want to do for your money corner okay? so mawapo is asking isbig-screen tv considered a mirror because i have a 55 inch in my room? ifit's very reflective - yes. so many a consult, i have had to ask myclients to also cover the tv screens

when they're done watching the tv. andthey'll be like oh but i let the tv i fall asleep and the tv would just likekeep going you know like well then - stop doing that.even better is not to have atv in the bedroom like we don't have a tv in the bedroom,we actually whenwe hardy to watch tv right. so especially for a 55 inch, it's gonnareflect quite a bit um you know quite a bit ofof the bed. and it also depends on the reflectivity of the tv screen, there aresome tv screens that are not as reflective as others so i guess itreally depends but personally better be safe than sorry is to actually cover themirror. okay some of these, i've already

answered. emily mirror is reflecting awindow it's absolutely fine. emily yes is there a bad aspect that a mirror willfix? i know oh so there are certain school of thought that says if you havea missing corner, you use a mirror. if you have a missing corner and you have amissing corner. you can't use mirrors or lighting or whatever to try to cover itup. so i don't actually use mirrors as a remedy for anything. if it's in thehouse, it's in the house. if it's reflecting bad areas then i take tell myclients to take it away but i don't use that as a recommendation for placementsat all. so dlg who is dlg, you told me to placefour plants in the center for our money

corner? we placed a mirror by theentrance and it is now reflecting the four plants. does thatcause a problem? okay so this is an 81 combination kind of question.so the four plants to activate a certain wealth energy in the 81 combination isbecause of the number four. so if you have a mirror to reflect the floor plansthen that becomes eight which kind of defeats the purpose. so maybe you want tomove the plants elsewhere or move the mirror. that might be a little bit easier. i think i saw danielle'saying that shefeels things have gotten a little bit feeling, the effects now more aftertaking down the mirror. the bagua mirror.

look at i know it's a little bit hardespecially if you're kind of new in the classical feng shui journey but againwe're going into 2018 if you're starting to feel the negative energy a little bitmore, it's not because of the mirror. it's likely because of the annual changes,that's a really starting to take place. okay seriously you guys who have notdone you guys who have a door or a bedroom or a kitchen in the north and inthe east and you have not put your remedy in - tell me. if you're alreadystarting to feel it something is up right.

blessing francis asked can i put amirror above my kitchen sink? only if your kitchen sink is prosperous. if yourkitchen sink is in a location that is actually activating money loss, yourmirror will double that. okay emily marie is there an optimistic number of mirrorsto have? not really again because mirror is not i don't use it as a replacementfor water element. i don't use it as a replacement for metal element. if i wantwater element, i'd do the watercolors or the water element itself. if i want metalelement i use the metal colors or actual metal itself right? so i don't use themirror in you know so in terms of collection or in terms of an auspiciousnumber - you can follow the general flying

star auspicious numbers i guess right.the good numbers would be 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 so you can do that if you want to. but againthat's not like something if i were to write a feng shui book, it's not something thati would even you know give even a couple of pages to. not very important. leonora,hi safrina, what is the best day on may 2018 for moving to a new house? it's notmirror related? did you sign up for my feng shui 2018? leonora, your name soundsfamiliar. if you did - my feng shui 2018 webinar and the calendar will help youplot out a good day for a moving house. verna asks is it okay to put the mirroropposite to the window? that's fine. yeah. sadiah, i was given my bagua mirroras a gift but was told to keep it turned

down on my dresser. i don't know. becausei don't use it so i don't know what the purpose would be, especiallyturned down. i have not heard of that before.canary so if we need to increase metal element in the north section of my house,then can you play some metal piece in a mirrored bowl? can you place a metalpiece in a mirror wall to magnify the metal element? i guess so you you willput the metal element and then put the mirror to double up the metal elementyou can but i would still prefer the metal element itself, okay? got it?try not to use replacements like this as much as you can. alright how long have wegone on to? real good questions you guys.

danielle says boyfriend says no to moving thetv screen in the bed in the bedroom see if he'll be okay with you covering it?yeah so i will - oh my gosh we were like almost half an hour in. last question soemily says is there anything with a mirror to do with the sign you are? notthat i know of not feng shui wise. maybe in other spiritual tools maybe but notin feng shui yeah. all right everyone, thank you so much for joining me here onyoutube and here on facebook. hopefully you guys have you know gotten some goodinsights with regards to mirror use in in a nutshell. at least the way i am trained. and i amvery very proud of how i'm trained

oops - i think i lost the camera forfacebook but anyway - are they still seeing me? okay cool. yeahso in a nutshell, you guys have seen my camera screen yeahso in a nutshell mirrors are not and well not too important of aconsideration. and it's not a very important remedy to use. at least not inmy practice and not the way i am trained other consultants might disagree with mebut you know it hasn't been and you know a big missing piece at all in termsof getting results for my clients. so again thank you so much for joining me. iwill try to do a live stream like this once a week. i'm thinking every wednesday,we'll see how it goes with my schedule.

and again if you guys are not registeredfor feng shui 2018, please do yourself a favor i'm not you know i'm not sayingthis because um it's my offering. i'm saying this because i truly truly careabout what is happening or is going to happen in 2018 and i want you guys tohave a successful a year as possible right. and having making sure that yourhouse it is at least good for the new year, it's the least that you can do. ifyou are serious about your feng shui at all it's a little bit of an investmentto make sure that you know what's coming to you next year. again to register isfengshui2018.com, i have a lot of my lot of people who are registered here,who've watched all the all the

recordings and you know they can tellyou in terms of what they've learned the a- ha moment that they've gotten. a lot ofthe savings that i've managed to you know they they can now stop buying allthese feng shui stuff for for the new year that they do not need. and also alot of confusion being answered finally. and i know feng shui is a rabbit holeit's a little bit of a rabbit hole you, answer one question and thenor i should say like a pandora's box - you answer one question and then there'sanother level of questioning. like more intermediate more advanced questioninghappening. that's just how the learning cycle goes but at least you're basic,your newbie or beginner feng shui questions,

will be resolved and once you're donewith the videos. so again thank you so much everyone. i will see you guys in aweek - take care.