dining room pool table

dining room pool table

you can only spend a certain of time practising getting the white in the pocket. so i thought i would design a game. and i have called the game loop. 'cause it's loop in stead of pool but different and also because it is a loop. what i realize when i wascoming up with games is to play it with a small number ofballs is much more fun than with a large number of balls. you have a black, which i'll put there. you have two colours like this. and you have the cue ball. it's a two-player game and the aim is you gotta get a colour in and then you got to get the black in

starting if you're cueing off, you put the cue ball somewhere in the line between the black and here and you got to say which ball is the one you're going to go for. so let's say i go for red. and then .... here we go. okay this is a hypothetical position. i got to get the red in the pocket i can't hit the side here because theblack is in the way. and so what you need to do is i need to hit this red ball so it rebounds and goes in. how do i know where to hit it? well, i can use the focus point because if i hit

the red in such a way that it goes in that direction i know it's going to rebound and go in. so i need to hit the red ball exactly in that way. so i need to hit it like that. because if it's coming from there it will go in. i'll give it a try but i won't get it because i'm a really bad pool player. i guess i need to.... well, is it going to go in? it didn't work. when you get good at this when you understand how it works, that is have to do it, and i just opens up lots of really fun patterns of play.

basically the trick is whenever you play you've got to be thinking about thisdot and how things will happen if they were coming from this dot. and that's kinda the axis you use to pot all the balls. so you're trying to get the red ball in. i will get the red ball in. once i've got the red ball in, i will then go for the black ball i'll get the black ball in. then themoment the black ball is in the pocket i have won. so i'm going to challengeyour nephew jacob to a game of loop. i'm going for red.

you need to go for the yellow. and the thing is what you know is if you hit the yellow, so that the yellow goes exactly through here, you know it's going to rebound into there. but you need to, not only do you need to hit it in this direction you need to hit it at just the right force so not too hot, not too cold. oh, brilliant! that's really good. that was your first ever time you've hit it. with a bit of practice, you would get that in. whooph. what you need to do now.

you have to try and find a way of getting that in. if you hit that yellow as if it's coming from there it's going to hit that and it should just go straight from there. what you see is that there is a tendency for the balls to start in the centre and to go around. and so you also need to start to think about trying to reposition the balls in the centre. but what i would try and do to get this in. oooh, great shot! so this is a snooker in loop and it's called a snoop.

yeah there's no way i'm going to be able to get this. i'm just going to move this to here. oh! you need to hit the yellow ball as if it's hit by the white ball comingfrom the focus point so, as if it's coming in this direction here. and then it'll hit it and rebound there. oh! yes! so you need to -- play it if white was coming there but then it's going to hit that, isn't it? is that skill?

i think that's actually the best shot in the history of loop. yeah, well, seeing as there's only been one game of it so far. what happens if you pot the cue ball? you lost. on the black you lost. i mean that's the rules of pool too, isn't it? then you've lost. that's a loss? yeah, i think the black is the the... the... that's happened in pool it's a black ball game, but if someone pots the white they lose the game. i hit it too hard but i was on the money. - it was your rule. it was the rule you wanted. it's true. i beat the inventor of loop.

well done.