boys shared bedroom ideas

boys shared bedroom ideas

hey everyone, it's valerie. so today i wanted to share with you some bedroomorganization tips. this is for a kids room so lets jump rightin. so we're gonna start in his closet. if you can see all of his books are linedup neatly. we keep those up high just so that he doesn'trip the pages on those. along with his piggy bank and we keep hisboard books more accessible to him on the floor but those are just up high for safekeeping. we do keep a hamper in the bottom of his closetfor his dirty clothes.

this one is from babies r us and it's greatquality. next his clothes are hanging up in the closet. i am a little bit ocd about hanging up inthe closet. i like the clothes to go by sleeve length. i think we did a pretty good job of keepingthose in order. if you can see the hangers; a quick tip tokeep clean lines and cleanliness, we use the same type of hangers. you can get these from babies r us, burlingtoncoat factory, anywhere like that. they're all the same color and i like thatthey have the metal hook just because it looks

a little bit nicer but they're still prettyinexpensive. next, here i am folding some extra blanketsthat we keep in this storage container. i think i got that from home goods. i just keep those up in the closet for extrablankets if his get dirty we can just grab some really quick. now these storage containers go on the floorin front of his chalkboard. i try to keep them labeled and as organizedas much as possible. which pretty much means organizing them everyfew days. everything gets all mixed together.

we have one for his dinosaurs, his books andhis cars. as you can see this is no easy task with atoddler. but i'll manage to get the job done and thesecontainers are also from tjmaxx. now these little round containers i love toput his art supplies in. i'm putting crayons in one of them and wedo keep these up high just because we have had some occurrences with the crayons on thewalls. this next one i am putting chalk in and hisvery last one i am going to put some magnets in. again, we do keep these up high because wedon't want him getting into these at all times.

this is his chalkboard wall it's usually notthis clean but a girl can dream right. those are his containers they're all organized. his little backpack is from skip hop i gotit online and i love how everything looks so clean, pulled together. for a few minutes anyway. now moving onto his dresser area. i keep storage containers with his shoes. i know as he grows his will not fit in herebut for now it works. this is his dresser, it's from wal mart wekeep his shoes in these storage containers

they work really well right now. now this is his top drawer, we have theselittle baskets to help divide things up. we keep his little socks and underwear inthere. i keep his little hats up in the top and ihave another storage container where i keep his swimsuits, swim trunks, swim top and allof that. so this is his middle drawer where i keepall of his tops. his regular everyday tops are over here itry go by sleeve length and keep them organized. so this is pretty much just summer wear. i do keep his pajamas in the corner over here.

i try to keep everything really clean andfolded so it doesn't look like a mess. now moving onto his bottom drawer. i keep all of his shorts and pants prettymuch now with 100 degree weather it's just shorts in here. we do have his pajama pants in the corner. a quick tip i alternate. if you can see the tops and the bottoms ofthe shorts just so things fit easier and it takes up a lot less space that way. another quick tip is utilize your wall spacefor toys or books or anything like that.

in this case we have his books hanging onthe wall and these are his favorite coloring books, magazines, bedtime books. anything that you need want to keep in storage. we just utilize our wall space. and that's gonna be it for today's video. i want to thank you guys for stopping by. thanks for watching. don't forget to subscribe if you'd like tosee more videos and i hope that any of these tips helped you guys in any way.

enjoy it, while it lasts.

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