sandy hook gray living room

sandy hook gray living room

pacman shell and david packard dot comwelcome back to the show welcome to everybody from the we survive bush dealsurvival bomber baseball paid his wife and his balls everybody from the i'dlove it when i wake up in the morning and brocco bomber is this is really a weird thing nancy grace and ashley banfield fromc_n_n_ we're doing like a split screen interview you know these interviews withthat one persons in one location one persons in the other

and they were talking about uh... crimestories including the story about uh... the cleveland kidnapping and and know the whole story with charles ramsey the witnesses cetera and as people look more closely at itthey noticed that they both were in phoenix and thosepeople look even more closely they realize that they were in the sameparking lot probably just a few feet away from each other this is very veryweird let me show you a couple of images hereif you look at this one in the time maybe you can pick this up

you see these red as cv drive behind ashleigh banfield and thenimmediately behind nancy grace and it's abundantly clearthat they're just there'd been sitting in the same parking lot doing theinterview and then if we go to another one ofthese images you'll see that ah... the same truck goes by both of them simultaneously and uh... hard-hitting satelliteinterview the funniest part is that in this shotnancy grace is holding her earpiece like

she's having trouble hearing you know nancy might be able to hearactually better if you take the ear piece out and just listen to her liveaudio like cassie standing right next to you what why would this even happen of laziness but actually doesn't evenlook like they might be on a green screen well i think it is because theseanimated images agree and i think that is really much that

and then again if you look at this imageyou see that this same truck and bus drive behind each of them and nancy grace still struggling to hearher because uh... of the satellite distance and delaybetween them uh... sad sad and and you know somepeople said the reason is nancy grace is on headline news and eventhough it's kind of part of c_n_n_ of the make of the company they just didn't want to have themsitting together because she's kind of

like from another network but that i don't know that i buy that itsounds pretty stupid yet they could have just as easily donesomething in in a studio setting yet i don't know missus prophetic trulybizarre we should start doing split screen onthe show actually become like i can't hear you even number of elected utilityreserve we can claim i'm in baghdad

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