cool bedroom painting ideas

cool bedroom painting ideas

hi, i'm ann myrick and today we're going totalk about bedroom painting ideas. i'm in the master bedroom and the color that i haveon the wall is kind of a fleshy, peachy color that i do not like at all. so i am going towant to decide on a wall color, and then how i want to paint the room. in using paint,there, other than just straight painting your walls, there's many different things thatyou can do. if i wanted to use, one color will keep it from, it will keep it lookingconsistent and not chop the room up but a lot of times it's fun to accent maybe onewall. so if i wanted to pick out like a neutral color but then come back with a dark browncolor, or come back with a dark green color, or a color that i really wanted in the roombut i didn't want all four walls. then i could

pick a wall out. i might pick out the wallthat my bed is against and put one great color on that wall and then the rest of, the otherthree walls i would do another color. so there would just be an accent on that wall and thenit would really show the bed off really well. other things you can do. there's many differenttechniques with paint that you can do. you can stripe, you can do top and bottom, onecolor on the top, one color on the bottom. you could take your room neutral but thenpaint your trim. a lot of times you'll see in new york apartments and, those small littleapartments you'll see where the walls will be one solid color but then they'll do somefun color like turquoise or yellow on the trim instead of what we would normally do,is the color on the wall and the trim being

white. so play with your colors, have funwith colors, and try to just really experiment. these are ideas about how to paint your bedroom.

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