the luxury living room

the luxury living room

drv mobile sweets made their firstfront living room rv and this is the very first one theymade and we're going to take a look at it i this is a triple axel six slide unit idid not get a weight so i'm not sure how much it weighs but this one was still being worked on alittle bit so there are some unfinished things... i have intentionally removed theaudio from this video as we had a crew of people expressing their opinions andi'd rather that you were able to make your own opinion about this rig...... thusyou're going to hear me narrate over

this video, feel free to drownd me out withyour favorite tunes or mute me it won't hurt my feelings...... so there arequite a few front living room rigs on the market already this one is the only real difference isthat the bathroom is in the very back which is a pretty unique design to fifthwheels but the dual opposing slides in the living room up front are prettypretty standard giving you of course this extremely large living room....... in thismodel i believe that the couch is actually connected together in thecenter so that you had one giant bed up front if you so choose to pullthem out..... the dinette was in its own

slide area although not quite as deep asslide as you would expect for the main slide so it really only had room for twochairs it did have this small second bathroomoff of the kitchen area which is nice if you're going to have people up stayingwith you in the front area of course is the sort of mid-career bedroomarea with a large large bed and then this has the opposing small slide forthe dresser area i believe that it's just that top area that slides out forfor some more space and counter space up there here's the rear bathroom area very tallthat's always surprising with the rear

the rear bath areas it did have a shower that was about thesame size that you did you'd see in other front bathroom areas and it didhave the macerating toilet with the push-button controls they're probablybecause the toilet is so far from where the black and gray tanks are i'm not sure where they are positionedin this rig but i'm guessing they're further forward like normal if you'renot familiar with the mastering toilet it actually has a pump in that pumps and grinds the waste and willpump it to the black tank which can be

anywhere so that allows for further moreunique placement of toilets in these rigs this unit of course had theresidential fridge which is covered up there i'm sure to protect it also theinduction cooktop all electrics i'm assuming there's a good inverter systemand battery set up in this rig it also have fantastic lighting all down thecenter of the rig and a nice big windows as well the windows were also dual pane ofcourse the main slides in the back war hydraulic but the front slides were theelectric cable driven slides as they've been doing on their their front slidesfor for quite a while now

as mentioned earlier in this video thisunit was still being tweaked a little bit and wasn't completely finished soi'm sure that there will be some changes in these rigs as as they actually hitthe market overall we thought this was a reallynice unit especially for entertaining with that large front living room area one additional thing i did notice aboutthis rig was that all three axel's had the more i'd is suspension which you donot normally see on a triple axel unit let us know your thoughts and opinionson the rig and if you buy one invite us over for a party

also check out our adventure in our old2005 mobile suites at

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